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  • Training to much !!
  • TheDBF
    Free Member

    How do you know if you;re training to much ?

    I'm at the gym almost every day except a Friday, either doing weights and cardio or either each on their own, the question is, am I doing to much.

    Only been going regularly since Christmas

    Free Member

    What are you training for?

    Free Member

    If you've only been training "regularly since Christmas", and you're now training most days, then quite possibly. However it depends on whether the training is structured and what your goals are.

    Full Member

    I aim for at least 2 hours per day. This includes 1.5 hours cycle to and from work, and about 45 minutes on a 4 day upper body split. I train 2 times per week kickboxing, and play squash most weeks. It's only too much if you're knackered….

    Free Member

    OK, in answer to what I'm training for, well actually nothing other than just to try and get myself fit, in general, weights to gain strength.

    I try and do a full hour in a moderate heart zone for my cardio, which is bloody hard work for me, but sometimes drop below and occassionaly above…

    Free Member

    Sounds like too much to me.

    Free Member

    Exactly. Too much. Not to much.

    Free Member

    Could well be too much, an hour cardio a day, without a background to support that level of training could lead to injures.

    Training without a goal will normally lead to a loss of interest after a while

    Free Member

    Unless you're training at an elite-level, there's very little chance you're over-training. Just under-recovering. If you feel like you're doing too much either eat more, sleep more, or both.

    (Or cut back the exercise; but if you enjoy it, why bother running from the problem when you could just try to solve it)

    Free Member

    I'm at the gym almost every day

    …enough said.

    Free Member

    Could well be too much, an hour cardio a day, without a background to support that level of training could lead to injures.

    Training without a goal will normally lead to a loss of interest after a while

    Without a background !!!!

    I played football to a fairly high level for most of my career, so I do have some kinda background. As for loss of interest, probably once the better weather comes I will drop off a bit I guess

    Free Member

    Don't think your training too much, if your doing weights give each set of muscles a rest day before doing them again, e.g. chest, triceps one day, upper back biceps the next, I was always advised to switch my program every 6 weeks but usually did it every three or four as your body gets used to the same excercises after a while so you need to mix it up a bit to continue benefiting from it. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and prehaps do a week of light excercise every four, e.g. three weeks intense excercise then a rest week. Surly if you played football to a high level you'll know most of this stuff anyway? Prehaps have a chat to the people at your gym about what you are trying to do and see what they suggest.


    Free Member

    1001, 1002, 1003….

    Free Member

    Ye I know about changing my routine, just changed it this week, getting enough sleep may well be an issue mind 🙄

    Full Member

    You should do some periodisation if you are honesly wanting to train properly. Just chugging along do exactly the same week in week out won't specifically help but you will get tired. Theres lots of books to read about it in eye watering detail. Generally I do 4 week tiered training Med Med Hard Easy then every 12 weeks I do a double Easy. But then I am training for a few big races and take it moderately seriously.
    Basic signs of overtraining are fatigue, colds, just rooted all the time. Recovery is more important than training in a lot of ways – its where the benefits start to manifest 😀
    Jon Aklands Power to Perform is a brilliant book and not too anal. He coaches me and is at pains to make sure i drink enough beer !

    Free Member

    nothing wrong with going to the gym everyday…..

    i do it and have done for the past 7 months and im still not bored and have no goal either, just to be and stay in good shape.

    i am a figerty person and get bored very quick. Hate tv because its full of uninteresting shiiiiiiit!


    im kinda into it now and get a buzz from it

    documentry every now and then, anyways.

    i do 20 min run, 20 min ride, 20 min x trainer every time all keeping my heart rate up high.

    then bugger off to do 1 hour or so of weights.

    my routine is about 2.5 hours every day and have missed 1 day CHRISTMAS lol and i felt fat from not going.

    i get my sleep i need, doing this much needs you to be getting enough sleep and eating right.

    so unless you got the signs said above or your uncomfortable…KEEP GOING!!!


    Free Member

    You'll go mental. Seriously, you're training like a crazy foo, for what? To feel good? To look good? To march around the place looking hard, what?

    There must be a reason and if you're asking the **** here what you should do it's clear you've already passed over the mental threshold. Pack it in, now. Go on a bender, nail a couple of girls or something and take a perspective look at yourself, find out what you want and then do all this training.

    If you feel fine and you're not entertaining images of killing people with your bare hands and are suffering no injuries and simply enjoy going down the gym all the time, carry on and don't ask the question.

    Free Member

    spokebloke – Member
    Exactly. Too much. Not to much

    unless much is a town, supermarket or state of mind to which he is travelling by train.

    Free Member

    I have started measuring my HRV with this: http://www.myithlete.com/

    Free Member

    your resting heart rate is usually a good indicator of if you are overtraining or not.

    Measure your heart rate when you first wake up. If it starts rising despite more exercise should in theory make it go down then it is an early sign of overtraining or illness.

    Either way, if it rises back off with it all.

    Free Member

    If you're feeling too knackered to enjoy a beer then you're doing too much. If not… then carry on.

    Free Member

    yes heart rate is the way to tell.
    If you can't get your heart rate up when training then you are fatigued.

    If you are training without a HRM, boo to you

    Free Member

    I wear my HRM everytime I train, at times I struggle to keep in the moderate zone but put that down to mainly due to my overall lack of fitness I guess

    Free Member

    You'll know if you are overtrained. Your body will tell you. Simple as. If I have trouble sleeping, or find it difficult to get my heart rate up on intervals, I need to more recovery.

    Remember that recovery is key to getting fitter, not simply doing stuff everyday!

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