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  • Trading the motorcycle for a scooter.
  • Joe
    Full Member

    New commute is about an hour of door to door filtering and slow speeds. 1st and 2nd gear all the way; and Triumph Explorer feels like it will need a new clutch if I end up doing it for very long.

    I’ve been looking at a Vespa GTS300; it feels like it will make the whole commute much less stressful.

    Sadly only one space for a bike on the drive…so the big bike will have to go.

    I kind of hate the way scooters look and have ridden big bikes for nearly all my life… has anyone else made the change and not regretted it?

    Free Member

    I think PeterPoddy rides one and likes it…?

    Free Member

    Try looking at the Honda SH300i. I’m probably getting one as a second bike and for my wife on sunny days. I’ve not ridden one but on paper they seem the one to get with very good power and handling. However for me it would need to be good for a 50% M1 and 50% central London journey so decent 80-90 cruising is important.

    Don’t forget that motorbike clutches are cheap and easy to replace.

    Free Member

    I am in the same boat, 34rt commute, basically filtering and average speed cams all the way.

    While a bike is fun I just don’t see the point. However prices vary significantly and I have no idea what to get.

    Free Member

    After longer than I had expected with a Vespa fad I swapped it for a supermoto to use on my London commute

    A proper supermoto too with kick start, smaller front cog, minimal lights, race rubber and a 40 mile range

    It was ace for about a week then did my head in. Lovely bike but you can’t beat a scooter for London riding.

    Have always liked the look of the 400-500cc class

    Has that helped?

    Free Member

    I sold my GSX-R 600 due to never using it anymore then bought a Vespa GTS300 when I needed to commute into Central London for a 9 month period.
    The Vespa was perfect for commuting, much better than the sports bike. Took a little bit of getting used to but once I did it was great.
    No regrets whatsoever about buying the Vespa.

    Free Member

    PP rides an NC700 (as do I), but maybe he also has a scooter?

    The NC is light, narrow and all the torque is at low revs so comfy in traffic. They do a DCT version which adds the twist n go aspect.

    Then there’s the scooterised one called the Integra

    Free Member

    I thought about the nc700 but prices are still high and I am sure sure it would work well for me, giving the speed cams and amount of filtering.

    May work for the OP though! 🙂

    To be honest part of me just cannot get my head around the whole seating position, but I am going to go out on a test ride

    Free Member

    I have a honda sh300i.

    My commute is about 10 miles – I usually cycle but when I’m late I’ll take the scooter.

    Its a slowish commute – nowhere really over 50 mph and quite a lot of filtering.

    For this its ideal. Not so quick I feel like driving like a lunatic but enough ooomph to get away quickly from the lights.

    If I had a commute with fast A roads etc I’d be looking for something bigger.

    Free Member

    innit_gareth – What is the SH300i like at 80?

    Free Member

    Don’t really go up to 80 that often. When I bought it I had a pretty long motorway journey. At 80 it was OK, however I used to own a monster which was far better at those sorts of speeds.

    Free Member

    My Dad sold his CBR600 and bought a Cub 90 lol.

    To be fair he was using the CBR less and less.

    If it’s windy, he’ll leave the road bike and take the scooter. £5 petrol a month and bugger all maintenance except decent oil.

    Full Member


    Want one.
    The new model is a bit bland, but it’s not over here yet.

    Free Member

    I would’ve thought that one of those Honda NC700/750(X) in DCT flavour (or even a new Africa Twin… 😀 ) would do the job and still let you do what you got the Explorer for in the first place, no? In X flavour would allow you to keep the upright position you’re used to?

    Or there’s the like of the Suzuki Burgman (650 I think) or whatever the others are doing (there’s a Kawasaki equivalent as well I’m sure, and the honda one above).

    Free Member

    Serious question here but why opt for a scooty thing which won’t grip the road much if at all!?
    From experience if a Yamaha xmax 250 which was alright but did not exude confidence on cornering.
    Slid off it into a hedge head first once as grip was definitely not it’s strong point then again neither was easing off the throttle ;-d plus the fact that old lady never stopped in the giveway layby (you know who you are PUNK)

    So an upgrade to a Drz felt belter even if the gears were clunky and the suss softly sprung and the fact it felt like a pig you had to ride hard to get anywhere.

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