Home Forums Bike Forum toughest/stiffest……cove hustler or turner 6 pack?

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  • toughest/stiffest……cove hustler or turner 6 pack?
  • ton
    Full Member

    been offered either of the above frames.
    both very nice………..question is i have not ridden either.
    which is the stiffest/most robust?

    anyone ridden either.

    Free Member

    I know of a few hustlers that have broken on the top tube just in front of the seat tube, and not replaced under warranty.
    Can comment on the 6 pack, but have always liked Turners.

    Full Member

    ton, I ride my hustler day in day out and have been doing so for about 2.5 years now. Ride it on the local DH courses and on the rough mountain stuff here. I’ve wrecked my pikes, the rear shock, stripped my XTR cranks, wrecking my wheels and pretty much worn everything else on the bike out at least once. I have replaced the bearings once. All I can say is that the frame is still going strong. It’s ding free, a bit scratched etc but it’s still running well.

    That is just my experience. I’ll change the bike this year, it’s time for a change, but I have to put my hand on my heart and say the Hustler has been a great bike for me.

    Full Member

    Six Pack has better suspension, and is probably stronger.

    Hustler is plenty stiff and strong, and has better geometry (lower and slacker).

    Having had both, and given the choice, I’d go for the Hustler every time.

    Free Member

    Turners come in man sizes, L, XL, XXL up to Sasquatch which is enormoose, the bushings last an age and are easy to change,

    Free Member

    Hustler – Well tested and thrashed, bearings replaced after 2.5 years and even then only one set needed doing.
    Used a pushed RP3 at 280.
    I would have thought the six will weigh be a fair bit more.
    The Cove makes a great do it all trail bike, best at around 140. Turner is best with Lyricks, 36s etc

    Although I had a 5 spot I only used it when the cove needed work/parts.

    Free Member

    Turner. Plus you have the best CS in the business if you need it.

    Free Member

    ive had both and ridden them extensively.

    6 pack wins every time. brilliant bike. i rate it.

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