Stop caring what other people think….took me until i was in my late 20s to really appreciate this one….my motto of ‘get f**ked’ really seems to help.
Cut down your expenses to what really matters….dont bother keeping up with the Joneses….i did this too throughout my 20s and it was ultimately unfulfilling….i dont like cars, they are expensive and boring so i choose to drive a small, cheap, japanese box….it costs me virtually nothing and i dont mind the ribbing from mates anymore….like i said ‘get f**ked’ really helps in these situations.
Get a job you like, we spend a significant amount of time at work, wouldnt it be nice to actually enjoy this time?!
Dont get too materialistic….yes its nice to have a house, its nice to go into a joint mortgage with a partner and get a bigger house than you could otherwise afford by yourself….but squabbling over how assets will be split if/when the relationship goes tits up is unbecoming and immature…..take the path of least resistance and walk away….you’ll be much happier in the long run.
Dont trust strangers and work colleagues, people are c**tish enough to the ones they supposedly love, acquaintances will think nothing of screwing you over….assume the worst in people passing through your life and you wont be disappointed, sometimes you’ll be pleasantly surprised and will make a friend for life.
Stay close to your family, blood is thicker than water and other such cliches but its true….no matter how bad things have been over the years i have a good relationship with my sister and parents….i know i can count on them and can always go for a drink with my sister and have dinner with my parents, they are the best friends.
Its never too late….i have two mates currently training as doctors, both are embarking on this adventure as second careers….one of them has two children (with a third on the way) and a mortgage to pay….its a struggle but he’s nearly there, good luck to people with b**locks like that, i wish i had some of what they’ve got!