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  • Top Gear, what a load of prats,
  • ScottChegg
    Free Member

    I watched it.

    I thought it was funny.

    Free Member

    Again, see Frankie Boyle for non-PC humour that isn't just sniggering schoolboys saying 'you're a gay' and is actually funny.

    I'm not even saying it should be policed, just that I think it's pretty pathetic.

    Full Member

    Best show on TV and just about the only thing worth watching these days.

    Infantile schoolboy humour. What's not to like? It's quite refreshing when 99.9% of TV is either totally sterile for fear of offending anyone, or X Factor style reality drivel.

    The only thing on TG I have ever found offensive was their treatment of that dead cow they once strapped to the roof of a Camaro while in the US. The same episode in which Hammond drove a pick up across Alabama with 'Man Love Rules OK' on the side of it.

    Lighten up people.

    Full Member

    *sunbathes in hatred*

    You mis-spelled "boredom".


    Free Member

    funny thing is you actually watched the whole clip, if you were that offended why not turn off

    You keep missing my point – if I'm that offended (not really that offended, just a bit) why should I turn off. Three blokes behave childishly and a bit offensively – so I watch it so that I can draw a full conclusion about it – because there's bound to be a bit of shit-chat about it on my favourite "internerd" forum during the week.

    then go and watch last nights episode

    Yep, I plan to do that very thing, so get ready for some more moral outrage…I'll the one sat with grumm on the other very high horse.

    OOOPS: shit-chat should have read chit-chat but I'm leaving it now, because I quite like it.

    Full Member

    Infantile schoolboy humour. What's not to like?

    Nothing really, if you're an infantile schoolboy. Gob-stoppers anyone?

    Free Member

    So what you're saying is, Frankie Boyle does jokes funnier than Top Gear.


    Granted, the 'urg that is so gay', 'yo bruv, that shirt is well gay' thing is getting old, but to suggest TG-esque comedy is going to breed a new batch of young Bernard Mannings, is a bit of a leap. The kiddies are all too busy playing on the X-boxes to listen to three balding greying old giffers anyway, huh?

    Haz I Pwnd U yet?

    Free Member

    Seems like they couldn't be arsed thinking up fresh ideas for this series. Bit disappointed really.

    really stating the obvious that they are prats. Always have been.

    They did used to be more entertaining though.

    The direction and filming in the features is still very good.

    Free Member

    It's quite refreshing when 99.9% of TV is either totally sterile for fear of offending anyone, or X Factor style reality drivel.

    Is that a real statistic? If so, let us have a link or reference – I'm not so sure that 99.9% of TV is made up of Lark Rise To Candleford and X-Factor type stuff – but if it is, then I'm obviously watching a different country's TV.

    Or was it just made up on the spot?

    Free Member

    I think the real statistic is 90.786583749083509485248720578%

    Of course, he could have been exaggerating for comic effect, which is stupid really, becuase Frankie Boyle does that kind of thing so much better, he shouldn't have even bothered.

    Full Member

    There was a nice clip on 'The Impression Show'.


    Full Member

    DrJ – Member
    Infantile schoolboy humour. What's not to like?
    Nothing really, if you're an infantile schoolboy. Gob-stoppers anyone?

    I'm 33, but happy to admit my sense of humour hasn't advanced that much since school. I think it makes a nice change to prat about a bit when the rest of life is so serious.

    Also, I really don't see how edging away in jest from a creepy guy in a tracksuit with a paedo-tache who puts their arm around you is tantamount to homophobia? Get real.

    Would anyone rather we went back to the Top Gear of old where a range of very dull presenters test drive the latest Ford Orion or Nissan Micra and comment on how a rear wash-wipe is an optional extra on the 1.3L but not on the 1.3 LX or how disappointing the mpg is?

    Free Member

    cheap shot, troll etc…….it's Top Gear, its fun for people who like it and for people who don't like it, it's something new to moan about other than their tyre pressures

    I like it so there – if you don't, turn the channel

    I bet you people are the types that complained to Ofcom about the Brand/Ross thing without hearing it

    Full Member

    deadlydarcy – Member
    It's quite refreshing when 99.9% of TV is either totally sterile for fear of offending anyone, or X Factor style reality drivel.
    Is that a real statistic? If so, let us have a link or reference – I'm not so sure that 99.9% of TV is made up of Lark Rise To Candleford and X-Factor type stuff – but if it is, then I'm obviously watching a different country's TV.

    Or was it just made up on the spot?

    Of course it was made up on the spot, it's a perfectly common turn of phrase. Couldn't you find anything else to be pedantic about?

    Free Member


    what exactly does a paedo-tache look like? I was thinking of growing a comedy tache for Christmas (I was thinking Mexican style) to amuse my 7 year old nephew. I really need to stear clear of paedo-tache territory.

    Free Member

    at what point did the world come down to this? if you dont like something dont watch it! get a grip on reality, try going outside instead of moaning about something you cant do anything about, im goin for a ride.

    Free Member

    May I just say I watched Top Gear last night, and may I state for the record that it invoked no urges whatsoever to assault, maim or murder any homosexuals from Sheffield.

    I did laugh on a number of occasions though.


    Full Member

    at what point did the world come down to this? if you dont like something dont watch it!

    Great philosophy – don't express an opinion about anything, just ignore it. Could be an improvement for TG, though. "The cornering on this Bonga X93 sucks!!" "Never mind, just go in a straight line".

    Free Member

    Of course it was made up on the spot, it's a perfectly common turn of phrase

    Hmmm, I don't know…sometimes, you hear "ninety per cent" and some times "ninety five per cent" and sometimes "ninety nine per cent" too. Would you say that 99.9% of the time, people use "99.9%" over the others? It may have been pedantic, but just chucking in a ridiculous statistic to strengthen your point actually weakens it.

    Frankie Boyle does that kind of thing so much better

    On that we are very much agreed – best leave these kind of gross exaggerations to those who who are good at them…and I think you and Len are struggling.

    Free Member

    Made me laugh like a drain for the whole hour & thats all that matters, if it contains traces of homophobic & racism then all the better!

    Free Member

    I just think there's something fantastically ironic about a man with well groomed hair and wearing a bead necklace making a joke about another man being gay.

    Unless of course these are now indicators of a chaps masculinity ?

    Free Member

    I bet you people are the types that complained to Ofcom about the Brand/Ross thing without hearing it

    You couldn't be further from the truth.

    And for all the people saying 'change the channel', for the millionth time, I quite like Top Gear, but there is quite a bit of it that makes me cringe, and I seriously wonder about the people who find those bits amusing.

    if it contains traces of homophobic & racism then all the better!


    Free Member

    and I think you and Len are struggling.

    Damn! Play me off Johnny!

    Next up, the whited-up Jackson 3.

    Free Member

    I wish I had a clue what you're talking about. Is your trolling failing and you're getting a bit wound up yourself now?

    Full Member

    no hes referncing family guy when a joke fails these guys have to make a quicj exit in a music hall style

    funnily enough family guy often focuses on gay issues and homophobia and its way more entertaining than top gear

    Free Member

    Yeah, are there any internerd forums you know of where I can complain that TG is less funny than some other show? Like Family Guy? I really need to spend my time ineffectually complaining about it.

    Free Member

    The original point i was trying to make and it appears failing with some,is that the use of homophobic language and actions is not funny,it panders to a certain element in society who are always looking for the weakest to pick on,and if clarkson etal,say and show its ok,then they accept it,like sheep.

    Not thinking for one moment,that the mate they go to the pub or rideing with may be gay,and may be hideing his sexuality,from the bigots he has for so called freinds.

    Also why refuse to sit down on a seat that has been sat upon by another man,just how childish can one be.

    As for the off button,yes thats easy,but the programe does have some good bits,and it was just the homophobic bit that caused offence.

    Free Member

    As for the off button,yes thats easy,but the programe does have some good bits,and it was just the homophobic bit that caused offence.

    it was hardly homophobia, it's not like they started jumping homosexuals in the street.

    Seems to me if you're going to get all pi55ed off about that mabye we should start picking the forums to bits. I beleive Jey has some sort of conotation, there's usually a weekly post on here regarding obese people. What about BMW/Audi drivers, drivers in general, van drivers, traffic wardens, buses, bus lanes, taxi's, singlespeeders and so on and so forth

    mabye its more about growing a pair

    Free Member

    Who mentioned him being gay? You assume that was the reason, I thought it was just because he was a very odd young man who confessed to having a fizzing behind his penis whilst driving a Citreon AX…

    Free Member

    I really need to spend my time ineffectually complaining about it

    Well, you're certainly setting the bar here today for inneffectuality. However, when the troll gets more wound up than the trollees, now that's funny.

    Free Member

    Hey I'm not wound up, I'm having a whale of a time.

    (was that fattist? Apologies to any porkie bloaters out there)

    mabye its more about growing a pair

    Damn Straight!

    Free Member

    I like Top Gear – it gives me a fizzing feeling behind my penis.

    Does that mean I should go out & beat myself up or does it mean I dont take it too seriously..

    Free Member

    I'd just like to add, Clarkson's constant anti Audiisms (repeated with his 'slating' of the R8 last night) are just becoming too much. He can go on and on about his other isms as much as he likes but anti Audi is taking things just a bit too far.

    That's all.

    Free Member

    I don't remember anything mentioned about said young man being gay! I though it was because he looked greasy & unwashed and perhaps a little out of the ordinary, It wasn't a very nice reaction they gave the young man who may have learning difficulties of some sort, so it was uncomfortable humour of sorts. 😕

    Free Member

    RepacK – Member
    I like Top Gear – it gives me a fizzing feeling behind my penis.

    Does that mean I should go out & beat myself up

    Errr, more like 'off' probably….

    Full Member

    I must have dozed off. Which bit was the homophobic bit? Was it before or after the odd looking audience member came up and sat next to James?

    Free Member

    I must have dozed off. Which bit was the homophobic bit? Was it before or after the odd looking audience member came up and sat next to James?

    No that was it, he was obviously gay, and TG was obviously making grossly offensive homophobic jokes. Luckily, several STW members have leapt to the aid of the poor, effeminate gays, who are completely incapable of defending themselves, the poor little lambs.


    Full Member

    deadlydarcy – Member
    Of course it was made up on the spot, it's a perfectly common turn of phrase
    Hmmm, I don't know…sometimes, you hear "ninety per cent" and some times "ninety five per cent" and sometimes "ninety nine per cent" too. Would you say that 99.9% of the time, people use "99.9%" over the others? It may have been pedantic, but just chucking in a ridiculous statistic to strengthen your point actually weakens it.

    Like I said, it's a turn of phrase which means 'most'…are you really arguing about this? Can I no longer say most X Factor is crap or are you worried I might offend Simon Cowell?

    Is anyone on here actually a homosexual who was really offended by someone edging away from a creepy guy with a moustache who said he had a fizzing sensation behind his penis giving him a hug? If not then you really need to get a life rather than being offended and outraged on someone elses behalf. I must have missed the part when they said 'homosexuality is an assault to God and all gays should be beaten with sticks'

    Free Member

    This thread is not giving me a fizzing feeling behind my penis. 🙁

    Free Member

    This thread is not giving me a fizing feeling behind my penis.

    Hang on I am on my way 😉

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