I think it looks like a great lineup. Ok EJ is an acquired taste but I’m full of respect for anyone that can go from bank teller to F1 team owner. The man’s a star, especially as he brought us arguably the best looking F1 car ever and was the first guy to put Schui in an F1 car. I’ll forgive him if his exuberance and self confidence sometimes comes across as I know it all and makes him look a d!ck.
Sabine, well she sure can drive. Whether she’ll make a great presenter I’ll reserve judgement on but lets face it there weren’t many contenders and I’d far rather have her than the other obvious shoe in Suzi Perry (TF that didn’t happen) cos lets face it the programme had to get a girl, didn’t it?
Matt LeJoey? Could be surprisingly good – can drive loves cars and seems pretty personable. I hope he’s good.
Rory Reid – never heard of him before this but he’s obviously not the “guy off the street” Chris Evans painted him as this morning. Have watched his showreel stuff and he could be great. Really promising
Chris Evans – loves cars, can present. Just hope this doesn’t end up like Zoo TV but I do think he’s got good instincts for TV and he won’t be flogging any dead horses and will be in it to make the best programme he can. I think it’s possibly the best appointment they could have made though he will be spreading himself verrrry thin with R2 early starts, TG and TFI. God knows how he can even contemplate it all and hats off to him.
The Stig – does he even have a place now? Bit redundant given the lineup – I think his days are numbered unless he can put some clean air between himself and CH/SS.
Finally Chris Harris – the best thing that could have happened and pretty much the only shoe in. If they hadn’t appointed him there’d quite rightly be huge outcry. Love his videos and general attitude to cars/life. He’s a bit of a mountainbiker as well doncha know?
I’m really excited by the prospects for a proper car show that’s actually interesting to watch rather than a n entertainment show based around cars.
I will miss old Top Gear as I really like May & Hammond, I even think Clarkson is good to watch but it had got a bit long in the tooth and it was tie for change. I hope their Amazon show evolves a bit rather than just delivering more of the same old same old.