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  • Tomlinson's killer to face trial
  • yossarian
    Free Member

    So given today’s news that the policeman previously protected by a botched met police attempt to cover up the killing of an innocent bystander has finally been hung out to dry, a single question remains…..

    Will the police forces involved ever be held accountable for such a flagrant attempt to pervert the course of justice?

    Just wondering like..

    Free Member

    Yes there will be a report in about 2035 ish where someone will say sorry for something IMHO.

    Full Member

    Erm…. no is the simple answer.

    The Met have got bigger fish to fry at the moment. Like trying to cover for the News International hacks who were no doubt paying them huge kick-backs for a blind eye being turned to industrial scale phone hacking.

    I’m afraid a dead bystander is trivial irrelevance compared to the arse-covering exercise we’re about to see taking shape over this issue. I reckon this will go right the way to the top

    Free Member

    TBF this isn’t a problem which affects only the Met. In our society there is a general presumption that when things go well the people at the top of an organisation should take all the credit, and often great fat bonuses that go with it. And yet when things go wrong, it has absolutely nothing to do with them. “The buck stops here” is not a British expression………..passing the buck is.

    Free Member

    Itd great news for Tomlinsons family not so great for the cop that did the shoving.

    Binners is on the money, lets hope Andy Coulson ends up in court and Cameron makes an apology for standing by the lieing shite.

    Free Member

    “But officer, why do you keep striking me?”

    “Because it means promotion. Two more blows, I’ll be a sergeant and you’ll be unconscious”.

    Free Member

    Edit to my previous post – there is of course one glaring exception of a head at the very top rolling. Director-General of the BBC, Greg Dyke, was sacked, for as we now know, the BBC telling the truth, ie, the Iraq dossier was “sexed up”. He was however the only person to lose their job because of the ****-up which was the Iraq War, even Tony Blair managed to hold to his job.

    Free Member

    Sacked for telling the truth eh? Where’s the fun in that then?

    I spose David Kelly got sacked for the same thing really.

    Full Member

    whilst it may seem cut and dried. the guy died sometime after the ‘push’ we have no idea what may or may not have happened to him prior to or before the ‘push’
    the cop was bang out of order he did nothing to warrent been pushed over. But having sat on a jury i always ask myself.. is it proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the ‘push’ significantly contributed to his death? would you condemn the copper to the gallows if you were on the jury from what we know now.. i could nt in all honesty.

    Free Member

    as much as i think the police are a bunch of bullies that have been way too heavy handed in recent demos i don’t think the individual copper should get done personally. his employer should take the hit vicariously. no doubt the cop is a nasty bully but even he probably thought he was doing his job, was tired, stressed, hungary, fed up etc. someone else trained him, selected him for duty, was leading / managing him. The Met should be in court not the individual.

    ‘hung out to dry’ is a fair description.

    Full Member

    @hh45: I agree the met has a lot to answer for. But I rarely buy the line that “I was asked to do bad things, therefore I am not responsible for doing them”. Everyone in society should be able to account for their actions in whatever role the possess.

    Free Member

    I completely agree with you hh45 except this : “was tired, stressed, hungary, fed up etc. someone else trained him, selected him for duty”. I assume you are unaware that PC Harwood was a van driver on that day. It would appear that he was desperate for a bit of action, and according to the inquest he had strayed from his post without the knowledge of his supervisor. If he was tired he could have been having a kip in his van.

    Tomlinson inquest: policeman accused of attack was van driver who had moved

    Full Member

    Couldn’t agree more. Seeing the footage of him leading up to the incident, he appeared to think he was ‘missing out on the fun’. His orders were, apparently, to stay with the van. Well… with being there as a van driver, there’s a certain logic to that. So what’s he doing marauding around on his own, unattached to any ‘unit’, in full riot gear, clobbering people with his baton? We’re not taling about Libya here? Its London, with a few minor scuffles taking place FFS!!

    Much as i agree that his orders from his superiors need to be taken into consideration; his orders were to drive a van. Full stop. and I’m sure that’s exactly what the Met will be all too keen to point out in court, now they have made the decision to ‘hang him out to dry’

    Full Member

    Yup, that blows that (rather tired) excuse completely out of the water in this case. He was also caught out lying about his reasons for not being with the van, so no question that he knew he’d done wrong. People try to say “He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time” and you know what, he really really was.

    Free Member

    would you condemn the copper to the gallows if you were on the jury from what we know now.. i could nt in all honesty

    we dont have the death penalty and he will be charged with manslaughter so i will never be asked.
    I doubt anyone thinks he meant to kill him or he used such force as to make that likely. Nonetheless his actions did cause it as he was unlawfully killed. It will be odd if he is found innocent tbh. How long he deserves is another issue.

    Free Member

    Throw the book at him. Lock him up for the maximum time possible. Stick him in a prison with other killers, see how he likes being pushed around.

    And sack all those who were involved in the attempted cover up.

    Sposed to be public servants upholding Law and Order. Scum.

    Free Member

    ‘Zero tolerance’ eh Elfie ?

    You’re a hard but fair man.

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety has been reading his secret copy of The Daily Mail again.

    Free Member

    Well, if they ‘have to apply the letter of the law’ over a simple traffic infringement for example riding through a red light, I expect them all to be absolutely lily-white and utterly innocent of all crime themselves.

    So yep, zero-tolerance. 🙂

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety has been reading

    Effin can’t read.

    Free Member

    Yes I can I get Razzle every month!

    I like the stories.

    Full Member

    Elfinsafety has been reading his secret copy of The Daily Mail again

    I think, that left to that esteemed organ, the copper would be encouraged to kill more horrid proles, and Fred would presently be detained under anti-terrorism legislation for an indefinite period. Never to be seen again

    Free Member

    Not at all binners, the Daily Mail talks of a “cover-up” and of the “fury” at the earlier announcement that PC Harwood would escape charges :

    ’Cover-up’ storm over G20 death: Fury as DPP rules policeman who hit news vendor won’t be charged

    You’d be surprised, the Daily Mail is actually often quite liberal in comparison to some of the right-wing ranters on here.

    Free Member

    You want to see what Razzle has to say on the matter. 😯

    Full Member

    You want to see what Razzle has to say on the matter

    Is that the article they did on how to use your baton safely?

    Free Member

    You want to see what Razzle has to say on the matter

    That’ll be the detailed of analysis of why the copper was so tired. Since early morning, he’d been hard at work with his truncheon in the back of the van with a series of saucy WPCs in and out of uniform, followed by some terrific radical totty who protested extremely loudly when he took down their particulars, before succumbing to some serious interrogation and a special type of gagging order. And as for the sexy hack seeking some in depth coverage…… well that’s a story for another day.

    Free Member

    life has thought me many things, one of them is the police are actually quite hard and to get the **** out of there way. He was a piss head that got in the way. end of story. we need the police to be hard fukers, with guns and shit, then they could control the chav problem, gansta problem etc. Been to china for a few mounts not so long ago, no chav problem there no pissed up ****. Because the police would beat ur head in with iron bar if you did. Needles to say i felt much safer there, left some money in a cash machine and some guy chased me down the street to give it to me. No i dont read the Daily Mail or the Guardian, i think for my self.

    Free Member

    Waste of time and money, they’ve given in to public pressure, but having read the previous CPS report, I think I could defend him, the evidence is so full of holes.

    If he gets a fair trial (not sure how likely that is based on the coverage its already recieved) and a decent lawyer he’ll get found not guilty, and they’ll be another outcry and claims of a cover up.

    Free Member

    He was a piss head that got in the way. end of story

    he was at work he was trying to get home. He had his hands in his pocket whils trying to achieve this.
    if you want this country to be more like china then one of the things you need to give up is the ability to think for yourself as the state controls everything…in your case this may be a wise move actually. i have never seen anyone big up the repressive state of China for its impressive law and order. Think for yourself ..if only you could think things through.
    I hope you are a troll or else you have theat excellent mix of stupidty and alack of comapssion. i hope [only alittle bit mind]you never get killed walking home from work by the same police you support to **** whomever they feel like

    Free Member

    I hope you are a troll or else you have theat excellent mix of stupidty and alack of comapssion. i hope [only alittle bit mind]you never get killed walking home from work by the same police you support to **** whomever they feel like

    No im not a troll, unless by troll you mean i dont think like you do. Thats what i dont get about the liberal left wing, there not very tolerant to any ideas apart from there own.Like the left wing student that cant see the irony in wanting to ban right wing party’s such as the BNP. Liberal as long as you share there belifes if not you must be stupid or evil. It makes me lol 🙂 Both left and right are retarded.

    Free Member

    totalshell – Member

    whilst it may seem cut and dried. the guy died sometime after the ‘push’ we have no idea what may or may not have happened to him prior to or before the ‘push’

    I think you’ll find an inquest has already established how he died and has a pretty detailed account of what he did up to that point. The inquest established that he was killed by the actions of PC harwood. verdict of tomlinson inquest[/url]
    It’s now a trial to see if PC Harwoods actions were deliberate and malicous/careless or if he was just doing his duty.

    Full Member

    Well, if they ‘have to apply the letter of the law’ over a simple traffic infringement for example riding through a red light

    I heard it was just a crackdown on slow riders – ss/hipster wannabes and that. they’ve even put chubby coppers on haven’t they, so proper riders can get on without being inconvenienced ?

    Free Member

    Whilst I don’t agree in full with some of the comments above I do think that prosecuting the police officer for pushing someone over is completly rediculous.

    The guy died because he was an alcoholic and had internal organs made of glass. If he’d farted hard enough he would have probably killed himself.

    I once got pushed over by a kid in my local wood because I was being a pain in the ass. These things happen.

    I know it is the done thing on here to hate the law, but all that happened was he got pushed over for being a pain in the ass and not doing what he was told.

    Free Member

    The guy died because he was an alcoholic and had internal organs made of glass. If he’d farted hard enough he would have probably killed himself.

    As I said above I think you’ll find the coroners court disagrees with you.

    Free Member

    but all that happened was he got pushed over for being a pain in the ass and not doing what he was told.

    he was trapped by the kettling operation and unable to leave to go home from his place of work. Do you consider wanting to go home after work being a pain in the ass?
    quote]No im not a troll, unless by troll you mean i dont think like you do. [/quote]
    Actually I meant no one could be as stupid as think China was an excellent role model for how policing and the state should impact on citizen lifes.

    Thats what i dont get about the liberal left wing, there not very tolerant to any ideas apart from there own.

    I should tolerate someone who thinks the police should routinely thump citizens? Why exactly should I be turning a blind eye to this? I have no issue with your right to hold this view but you cannot expect me to like it nor let it go unchallenged.

    Like the left wing student that cant see the irony in wanting to ban right wing party’s such as the BNP. Liberal as long as you share there belifes if not you must be stupid or evil. It makes me lol Both left and right are retarded

    You are aware that the state you hold up as a model is the only one banning other parties and imprisoning people for their views. No one else has suggested this on this thread except you and then you mock everyone else as retatarded 🙄
    And be fair as well …you appear to be both stupid and evil 😉

    Full Member

    The guy died because he was an alcoholic and had internal organs made of glass. If he’d farted hard enough he would have probably killed himself.

    I just spat my drink all over my keyboard! Genius summary there LHS 😆

    Free Member

    life has thought me many things

    The ability to use English properly not being one of them, obviously…

    I know it is the done thing on here to hate the law

    Actually I think it’s quite the opposite; people are opposed to those who break the Law, are corrupt and who lie to protect others who transgress.

    Free Member

    but all that happened was he got pushed over for being a pain in the ass and not doing what he was told.

    he was trapped by the kettling operation and unable to leave to go home from his place of work. Do you consider wanting to go home after work being a pain in the ass?
    quote]No im not a troll, unless by troll you mean i dont think like you do. Actually I meant no one could be as stupid as think China was an excellent role model for how policing and the state should impact on citizen lifes.
    Thats what i dont get about the liberal left wing, there not very tolerant to any ideas apart from there own.

    I should tolerate someone who thinks the police should routinely thump citizens? Why exactly should I be turning a blind eye to this? I have no issue with your right to hold this view but you cannot expect me to like it nor let it go unchallenged.
    Like the left wing student that cant see the irony in wanting to ban right wing party’s such as the BNP. Liberal as long as you share there belifes if not you must be stupid or evil. It makes me lol Both left and right are retarded

    You are aware that the state you hold up as a model is the only one banning other parties and imprisoning people for their views. No one else has suggested this on this thread except you and then you mock everyone else as retatarded
    And be fair as well …you appear to be both stupid and evil

    So basicly as i dont agrea with ur views i must be a bad person. That makes me lol it really does. I dont think any party should be band, but history has shown both left and right are just as evil so i was simply pointing out the ironly of so called libairas wanting to ban other partys they dont like. Meaning their fascists s not liberals as a true liberal wouldn’t want to ban any thing. Sir you are a retard!

    Edit: i want to live in a country were crime does not pay. I want to live in a country that uses gangsters for target practice, and were granny’s can go down the street with out getting mugged, and if that means some little shit bags get beaten to death so be it.

    Full Member

    I’m forever pointing out ironly of so called libairas as well. I’m a panelist on Gardeners Question Time

    Free Member

    Ooh! Reader’s Wives Special out today! 😀

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