Up to about a year ago I’d been using spd’s pretty much since they were invented but then I decided to try flat pedals for the sort of riding that I was doing in Greece. As I do far more riding there than here I’ve been using them pretty much all summer and yesterday’s ride on my singlespeed was the first time that I’ve used spd pedals for about six months.
The change back seemed stranger than the change to flats did – far from feeling more connected I felt less so and the whole “float” thing seemed really strange. I just like the whole feel and involvement of flats now and it feels more like being a trials rider again and, while I always thought that I was quick with a last resort type saving dab with spd’s, you can be a lot faster with flats and, even more importantly, have your foot back securely in a instant.
I’m almost a complete convert – and at my age too!