Sorry oblique for the hijack but I just thought I’d update my progress towards my first half marathon on 29th May.
I’m managing to get for 3 x training runs most weeks & I’m also off road riding, commuting & playing footie too to help out. Today I did my first 8 mile non-stop run & I’m currently running @ 10 min mile pace. Ok I’m not gonna set any records but I’m confident that I can complete the distance on the day albeit slowly.
I’m grateful for the tips on here from the regular runners you really have helped a newbie out. The best tips i’ve had are:
walk the first 400m & last 400m as a warm up/warm down
do stretches before & after running
don’t tie your laces too tight
don’t increase your distance too much too soon
don’t run too fast pace yourself
don’t wear a T shirt under your running top in mild weather – Christ I also died running that day 😥
build in rest days to recover
I prefer to run first thing before breakfast & before it gets too hot
Thanks once again & only 5 weeks to the big one!