For me, seeing any bike brake at a weld that is only three months old would give me cause to consider whether or not to buy one. Going back to my original question, I'm still undecided as to whether this style of design is one that is potentially weaker than others used. I'm not saying that anyone should not buy On one nor any other brand for that matter on the basis of one broken frame, only that it would make me think twice. I guess that is just human nature! 😀
Ultimately, all bikes will break at some point. My trusty 5 Spot snapped clean through at the weld on the seat tube after 5 years of very extensive use while the aluminium headset insert in my Hummer decided to part company from the frame a few weeks ago much to my surprise! It doesn't mean they are necessarily badly made or designed nor that all Turners and Coves should be consigned to the scrap heap.
Being Scottish, I could have had two 456s for the price of my old Hummer. 😉
PS Fair play to Dave at Planet X for coming on with info about the new strut. There's a lot to be said for dealing with a UK business that clearly cares about its customers and it's public perception.