I know the gender stereotyping thing has been done recently but I missed the boat on that.
He will be three next month. Has cut his teeth on his balance bike for a year or so and currently covets any bike with pedals. He is ready. Now, due to his size we are limited in what we can get for him. The obvious choice is an Islabike Rothan 14. However, I have recently discovered this little bad boy.
I reckon this looks the bees knees.
So, having quiet time the other day while watching Strength in Numbers and I thought I would get the options on the Pootay so we could browse. He doesn’t know he is due a new bike yet.
Anyway, from the three choices of Islabike colours and the Commencal to choose from, he selects the pink Rothan.
Now, I do my best to resist gender stereotyping but getting grief from Mrs Wachowchow for telling her that I don’t want to buy him a pink bike. Purely from the point of view that it will have to do him for a few years and it may be that he gets indoctrinated into current standard thinking and suddenly think he has a girls bike, gets grief from a friend and doesn’t like it as a result.
My point being that pink is a gender stereotyped colour and any of the others wouldn’t be an issue. Notice no Blue option.
Am I being a dick and should I get the pink one for him?