Home Forums Chat Forum This is pretty horrible

  • This topic has 102 replies, 29 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Drac.
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  • This is pretty horrible
  • ernie_lynch
    Free Member

    3dvgirl – Member

    That because morality has no place in war.

    I’m guessing that makes deciding what side to support very easy ?

    Free Member

    GCHQ must be pissing themselves right now… everyone fighting amongst themselves rather than addressing the cause of all this nastiness.

    Free Member

    I can only assume you’re talking about the US Government, yes?

    no im talking about the butcher che, a mass murdering falure that hate gays, blacks, any one that wasn’t a brain washed a stalinist. Here’s a link to..


    you sir are a moron.

    Free Member

    I’m guessing that makes deciding what side to support very easy ?

    yep the side that benefits my life best.

    Free Member

    you sir are a moron.


    The “sir” had me feeling all warm inside, then you did the switcheroo with the “moron”.

    Free Member

    By you logic 3dvgirl it is perfectly acceptable to kidnap and kill Americans as morality and culpability don’t enter into the equatio

    No I believe that those that wish to bring sharia law to the world should die.

    Free Member

    Excellent; Monday night is meltdown night…

    Free Member

    Under the Geneva convention they are classed as un-uniformed enemy combatants(spies or saboteurs).

    technically a compotent tribunal has to decide this an until such point they have to be treated as prisoners of war

    Should any doubt arise as to whether persons, having committed a belligerent act and having fallen into the hands of the enemy, belong to any of the categories enumerated in Article 4, such persons shall enjoy the protection of the present Convention until such time as their status has been determined by a competent tribunal.
    — Third Geneva Convention Article 5, ¶ 2

    Under international law they can be executed immediately and without trail. Id have no problem with them simply lining them all up against a wall and being shot!

    that means that its perfectly ok to execute them immediately, torture them or whatever you want they have no rights at all.

    i am going to go out on a limb here and suggest you are not a legal expert.

    ps it os not illegal to be gay in vietnam – i realise the facts are not that important here but thought i would throw that in

    in July 2012, the country’s minister of justice announced that the government has started a consultation on whether to legalize same-sex marriage

    It is rather progressive actually

    Free Member

    No I believe that those that wish to bring sharia law to the world should die

    too true nothing is worse than intolerance of others

    Free Member

    No I believe that those that wish to bring sharia law to the world should die.

    You are Melanie Phillips and I claim my IDF tattoo

    Free Member

    ps it os not illegal to be gay in vietnam – i realise the facts are not that important here but thought i would throw that in

    In 2002, the government-run media declared homosexuality to be a “social evil” comparable to prostitution, gambling, and illegal drug use and promised that legislation would be forthcoming to allow the government to combat homosexuality and arrest gay couples.[4] Publications such as The Gioi Phu Nu and Tiep Thi Va Gia Dinh have spoken of homosexuality as a disease and “deviant behavior that is incompatible with the good morals and time-honored customs of Vietnam.”


    youre talking shit.

    Free Member

    3dvgirl – Member

    that lines made my evening lol i often wonder why people have such love for a mass murdering failure.

    Actually I had missed enfht’s comment so thanks for drawing my attention to it.

    enfht likes to remind everyone that I’m a communist. In fact he has doesn’t done so for a while so I’m grateful he’s made the effort today.

    I think its important that people are reminded of this fact, although it would obviously be tedious and boring if I constantly did it. So a big thank you to enfht 🙂

    Free Member

    too true nothing is worse than intolerance of others

    Its the stoning of women and the mutilation of ther gentails i dont like, well i don’t want to tolerate that shit!! And if you do you’re **** stupid.

    Full Member

    3dvgirl- care to post something that actually suggests homosexuality is illegal in Vietnam, rather than just frothing?

    Free Member

    You also believe ice cream salesman should be abducted tortured and held illegally for years , by a state so ashamed of it’s actions that it will not justify them in a court of law and hides it’s political prisoners in a concentration camp on foreign soil.

    Some way of life you aspire to.

    Free Member

    That because morality has no place in war. War has only one rule, kill or be killed.

    So Che was on the winning side in the Cuban revolution and by your logic he had every right to kill and torture whoever he wanted but you are slagging him off for doing that.

    Free Member

    I’ve been to both the US and Vietnam… guess where people are friendlier?

    Free Member

    I would be if it were 2003 = is it?

    Hilariously you read past this part from wiki which is above your bit

    Same-sex sexual acts are not a crime if they involve noncommercial acts between consenting adults in private. In fact, many historians believe that homosexuality was never addressed in the nation’s criminal code


    If you had delved to the actual source from your wiki link it gives the following

    Vietnam’s state-run media recently declared homosexuality a “social evil” on par with drug use and prostitution and proposed laws to allow the arrest of gay couples. A report by the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs said the number of gay couples is on the rise, though it offered no statistics. The government reported that homosexuals have infiltrated the tourism, restaurant and karaoke bar industries and that their “eccentric behavior” went hand in hand with prostitution, drug use and HIV/AIDS. Complaining that there are no laws against homosexuality in Vietnam, the newspaper concluded, “Everyone is now waiting for a legal framework to fight this social evil.” Vietnam has repeatedly linked prostitution, drug use and gambling together as “social evils.”

    PS that quote gave does not prove it was illegal as you claimed

    Free Member

    I’ve been to both the US and Vietnam… guess where people are friendlier?

    You’re obviously not gay . 😆

    Free Member

    3dvgirl- care to post something that actually suggests homosexuality is illegal in Vietnam, rather than just frothing?

    ok i did make an error of fact ther, homexuality is not illigal but most the population think its immoral,why don’t you make a point about blogging or criticizing the government, that definitely illegal and can have you put in a work camp.


    yea vietnam land of the free..

    Free Member

    Ernie you ARE a self-confessed Marxist and I find your far left extremism quite repulsive, BUT anyone wearing a top hat must be taken seriously serious.

    Free Member

    Its the stoning of women and the mutilation of ther gentails i dont like, well i don’t want to tolerate that shit!! And if you do you’re **** stupid.

    I do not support any of that however I am not sure how violating the rights of some other people will redress this terrible evil of the violation of human rights…any chance you could explain?

    Full Member

    I reckon this thread has reached it’s low.

    Bedtime school tomorrow.

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