My best mate’s Mother gave me Zen as a present. I didn’t make it through the first half on the first attempt. A few years later I tried again and tried harder. It is now one of my all time most rated and recommended books. I found it hard going but worth it. Definitely high on or top of my list of ‘improving books’.
I was doing a post grad course in engieering and there was a module on quality. We had a guest lecturer who was a completely stereotypical academic ar5e, all self importance, ego, supersilious air of intelectual superiority complete with bow tie. I asked him if he’d ever read Zen hoping for expert comment and giving him a chance to demonstrate a breadth of knowledge since it is the best treatment of the essence of quality I know of. His reply was ‘Are you serious?.
‘Yes, I really am’.
No answer, no idea what I was talking about.
Found out and exposed as an academically over achieving, intelectually lightweight, posing to55er.