Something doesn’t add up here. Your household income is three times what mine is, how can there be no money left?
I understand your reservations about leaving, but your main concern seems to be leaving them in the lurch financially when they’re pulling in nearly three grand a month between them. They don’t need your money, they need to learn how to not piss away thousands each month. As do you, by the sound of it.
Rent in East Lancs must be, what, £500? Say same again for living expenses, that takes us to a grand. Food for 27 animals, god knows, say another grand. And what’s the car repayments, could be anything, let’s be generous and say £500 to cover running costs. That takes is to two and a half grand out a five grand household income. Even taking your “disposable income” into account (and here’s a clue, stop disposing of it), we’re still missing about a grand.
You’ve said yourself, she can afford to pay for her car, and that seems to be the main thing you’re covering for her. I put it to you sir, with respect, that you’re making excuses not to leave. Get out of there.
Being played, methinks
And BTW, just cos I’m old and wiser, re the text thing. There is absolutely a physical aspect to that going on … and she is probably telling him that you are mean, beat her, don’t understand her etc ….