I’ve recounted this before so I’ll keep it short.
Back when the Internet was still in black and white, I was pushing to get web access for the tech support department at work. Unannounced, the two Muslim company owners came over and asked for a demonstration.
I explained what a web browser was, how URLs work. Explained that most websites were http://www.companyname.com, for example http://www.microsoft.com. I keyed this in and up came MS’s site.
On a roll, I wanted to show something relevant so said “we’re having issues with DTK motherboards at the moment, let’s see if they have a support page.” I typed in http://www.dtk.com and watched as, at ISDN speeds, the “Dressed To Kill rubberwear and fetishwear” website unfolded down the screen.
After the longest five seconds’ silence of my life, one of the directors said quietly, “yes, I don’t think we’ll be getting that for Tech.”