Good luck to all those with medical things going on, and to mr and mrs jekkyl (feel your pain on losing one) and to the moos on being so close to the messy bit (when everyone cries, even the chaps).
Things I’m looking forward to:
Taking Lil Miss North camping for the first time this weekend (local in case she hates it) before she then starts school a week later – eek!
Helping Mrs North decide what to do with her future at work and home and getting more balance in her life.
Engaging with our architect properly this time to design our loft conversion and extension, and getting my friends (engineer and kitchen designer) involved.
Going to see Hamlet in Manchester (involves two loves of mine: Shakespeare and Maxine Peake…) – assuming someone buys the tickets, and if they don’t I will..!
Getting the hang of this new job. It’s all bloody numbers and spreadsheets, which is hard for a near 40 yo lawyer to learn….
Continuing to clear more stuff out of the house so that we then HAVE LESS BLOODY STUFF