Google/Internet search – I can’t actually imagine doing complex IT stuff without it for finding reference info etc. I know people based in certain very secure sites where they have to go to the car park (where they have to leave their phones) to check stuff, screw that.
As others have said Google. I work in an IT role with a large crossover into a scientific field, I actually moved into the IT role from the scientific role because I know how to correctly phrase the IT questions in Google (I have never revealed this but one day I am sure to get found out).
Water-cooled cold saw, now modified with precision calibrated end stop. So, so quick to cut things to length and leaves very little in the way of burrs behind.
When my boss isn’t trying to get involved
Getting at least 25% of the budget we ask for
Not spending a chunk of the limited budget we do get on random shit the boss wants us to get
The removal of six miles of roadworks with 40mph limits over Bodmin Moor.
And not having to drive anywhere further north than the south of Birmingham or into London.
What would make my job easier is a tape measure/ruler that logs measurements as you take them and gives them as a readout at the end of the day.
My work involves measuring field trials of plants and many of the measurements we take involve clipping on an expensive bit of kit, pressing a button and storing the result then moving on to next plant. A lot of measurements however are done with a ruler/tape which involves taking measurement then putting it down while you enter data manually into a hand-held computer or on a bit of paper, or having someone there to write it for you if you are up a ladder. I know there are laser tapes that will do this but they are no use for us as there are leaves in the way or we have to measure curves.
Little things have helped: Instant messenger at work has hugely cut down on email traffic – and you can set it to “do not disturb”.
Similarly, Outlook’s meeting scheduler banishes the tedious back-and-forth discussions about peoples “availability”.