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  • Things that are allegedly ‘science’, but are self-evidently magic
  • mrmonkfinger
    Free Member

    Don’t think of it as the universe expanding, think of it as the amount of nothing getting smaller


    Full Member

    Don’t think of it as the universe expanding, think of it as the amount of nothing getting smaller

    Could there be dark matter/energy beyond the universe though? That would explain the constant expansion. Then again, What’s beyond that dark matter/energy?

    Also, if that nothing is infinite, it can’t get smaller?

    To be clear, I haven’t a clue what I’m talking about.

    Full Member


    Yeah that’s mad, a load of electrical signals passed through watery protein and … Er….

    Full Member

    I’m still amazed that superglue in a bottle doesn’t dry up, but you put a drop of it out of a bottle and it sets in seconds.

    Full Member

    Spectroscopy was definitely built into the universe software as a way of telling us that we’re in a simulation.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Yeah that’s mad, a load of electrical signals passed through watery protein and … Er….

    It’s the fact that those electrical signals account for what we assume is reality.

    We could all have our brains* in jars wired up to god knows what type of simulation apparatus. What is reality?

    Then my mind just gives up and tells me that we have to assume reality is just that or we go mad.

    Philosophy is probably the most mind boggling area to me, well, as much as the whole universe thing anyway.

    * We only “know” we have brains due to the same electric stimulus, so who knows what we really use to process reality?

    Free Member

    I’m still amazed that superglue in a bottle doesn’t dry up, but you put a drop of it out of a bottle and it sets in seconds.

    Wait until sir tries some cyanoacetate accelerator on it.

    Free Member

    The brown stuff in between the wafers in a Kit-Kat.
    Apparently this is just mushed up Kit-Kats recycled from the imperfect ones that are a by product of the manufacture process

    Which begs the question..How did they make the first one?

    Full Member

    Aircraft.  You expect me to believe that you can chuck a metal tube weighing hundreds of tonnes down a road at 100mph and it just magically takes off?

    What is more worrying is someone suggested

    ‘have you tried filling it with high explosive, pressurising it and then throwing it through the air at 500mpg at a patch of tarmac on another continent?’

    ‘yep that’s working now thanks’

    Full Member

    The nothing is the same size, there’s just less of it as the universe expands into the space that wasn’t there

    Full Member

    Except, it does. You’ve got things which are much denser/heavier than water (steel) and things which are much less dense/heavy than water (air). Add them together and you’ll float or sink depending on whether you’re at a net gain or not.

    The air inside a boat does not make the steel construction any lighter.

    Obviously a boat full of water is heavier than a boat full of air but the structure remains the same weight.

    If I stood on a mouse would that make a 14 stone mouse? For clarity I weigh approximately 14 stone.

    Full Member

    The brown stuff in between the wafers in a Kit-Kat.
    Apparently this is just mushed up Kit-Kats recycled from the imperfect ones that are a by product of the manufacture process

    Which begs the question..How did they make the first one?

    Ooh, I know this one.  The filling isn’t wholly rejected Kit-Kats, they just add it to the mix to save waste.  It’s pretty much a trace ingredient.  There would have to be a lot of imperfect Kit-Kats for that to be sustainable otherwise.

    Full Member

    The nothing is the same size, there’s just less of it as the universe expands into the space that wasn’t there

    I wrote, thought, deleted and rewrote about 5 replies to that before giving in.

    That doesn’t make sense… no wait yes it does… but… nonsense… actually it’s… hang on… 🤯 💀

    Forget it

    Full Member

    The air inside a boat does not make the steel construction any lighter.


    If I stood on a mouse would that make a 14 stone mouse? For clarity I weigh approximately 14 stone.

    Are you planning on floating?  You’d likely fare less well than the mouse on its own.

    Also, poor mouse.  You monster.

    Free Member

    For clarity I weigh approximately 14 stone.

    and if you fill your lungs with air and held your breath you would float in water and would still  weigh 14 stone. Blow that air out and you would sink despite not changing your mass measurably.
    Because magic.

    Free Member

    The nothing is the same size, there’s just less of it as the universe expands into the space that wasn’t there

    I’m still not having it – if there is nothing for the universe to expand into, how can it expand into it?

    Free Member

    If I stood on a mouse would that make a 14 stone mouse?

    It would make a 14 stone mousse.

    Free Member

    Because the nothing is also expanding…into a larger nothing. Which is also expanding.

    It’s nothings all the way up.

    Full Member

    On anaesthesia, and beyond into psychology

    Sedative type drugs like ketamine, to use to pull someone’s dislocated shoulder or fractured hip back into line.

    They don’t have any painkilling effect per se, it still hurts like **** and you’ll scream the place down. But then have no memory of it, and if you can’t remember it then there’s no harm done. The memory of something terrible is worse than the event itself.

    By the same token then – executing people by humane methods, vs horrific endings. It’ll be unpleasant while it happens but after you’ll have no recollection, so what’s the problem (ignoring supposed deterrent effect on viewers, etc.)

    Full Member

    I’m still not having it – if there is nothing for the universe to expand into, how can it expand into it?

    You said it yourself:

    … if there is nothing for the universe to expand into

    There is nothing for the universe to expand into. If there wasn’t nothing there’d be a problem. HTH

    Full Member

    Consciousness Yeah that’s mad, a load of electrical signals passed through watery protein and ……. Erection….


    Full Member

    Isn’t the universe expanding only because the kit running the simulation has been upgraded with an even bigger SSD so it’s just filling the empty space with old file copies and junk?

    Full Member

    On anaesthesia, and beyond into psychology

    ‘They’ have discovered that phantom limb pain can be markedly reduced with mirrors. Apparently placing a mirror strategically so that it appears (for instance) that you have a leg – where there isn’t one, can help

    Full Member

    I note with interest that you ‘boffins’ claim to understand the infinity or otherwise of the universe, but still haven’t explained the induction hob.

    Free Member

    If there wasn’t nothing there’d be a problem.

    If there isn’t nothing, then there is something. So what is it? (The answer isn’t allowed to be ‘nothing’).

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Because the nothing is also expanding…into a larger nothing. Which is also expanding.

    If the nothing is infinite, it can’t expand though?

    Free Member

    If the nothing is infinite, it can’t expand though?

    The individual nothings are finite and constantly expanding. There are just an infinite number of them.

    Full Member

    Sedative type drugs like ketamine, to use to pull someone’s dislocated shoulder or fractured hip back into line.

    They don’t have any painkilling effect per se

    Going to disagree with you there. While ketamine’s main effect at higher doses is to cause dissociative anaesthesia, at low dose it’s a potent analgesic.

    Full Member

    rastherbeintobago is correct and it would be extremely poor practice to leave a patient screaming in pain while manipulation is done

    Full Member

    Going to disagree with you there. While ketamine’s main effect at higher doses is to cause dissociative anaesthesia, at low dose it’s a potent analgesic.

    And I’m a bit smarter now than i was 15 mins ago……

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Ah, the light-hearted thread has taken an unpleasant turn.

    His comment couldn’t go unchallenged. It’s not on.

    It’s not my wish for this genuinely interesting thread to go off topic though.😁

    Full Member

    I have just started a degree course in Physics so I can study quantum mechanics – I find it fascinating as it’s so counter intuitive as we experience a Newtonian universe on a day to day basis.

    I already have a degree in Material Science and we covered quite a lot of physics but it was 35 years ago and I was mainly drunk

    Free Member

    I’m still amazed that superglue in a bottle doesn’t dry up, but you put a drop of it out of a bottle and it sets in seconds.

    Wait until sir tries some cyanoacetate accelerator on it.

    I think (therefore I am, as we’re doing psychology) it’s catalyzed by water? So in the dry tube it’s fine, and it can seem like it’s taking forever to stick two things together.

    Then as soon as you touch it the moisture your skin immediately sets it and you’re bollocksed.

    Full Member

    It wasn’t in reference to your comment poops, it was in reference to the other now deleted posts.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    It wasn’t in reference to your comment poops, it was in reference to the other now deleted posts.

    To be honest I was apologising (poorly) for biting and therefore detailing the thread far more. I should have made that clear but I’ll admit, he made my blood boil a smidge.

    Sorry Ernie and op!👍😁

    Full Member


    I note with interest that you ‘boffins’ claim to understand the infinity or otherwise of the universe, but still haven’t explained the induction hob.

    Induction hobs, like time, are a flat circle

    Full Member

    What did I miss?  Deleted posts on this silly thread?  Wasnae me honest 🙂

    Free Member

    @WorldClassAccident this is my favourite opening paragraph…

    “Ludwig Boltzman, who spent much of his life studying statistical mechanics, died in 1906, by his own hand. Paul Ehrenfest, carrying on the work, died similarly in 1933. Now it is our turn to study statistical mechanics. Perhaps it will be wise to approach the subject cautiously. (Opening lines of “States of Matter”, by D.L. Goodstein).”

    Full Member

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

    ©Sir Arthur C Clark

    Why an incline treadmill is harder work than a flat one, you are not actually running up a hill.

    Kate Bush was… 🤷🏼

    Keep it up, folks, I’m getting some real laughs out of this thread!

    Oh, and by the way; Bumblebees – magic can be the only explanation for how something so fat with such tiny little wings actually fly?

    Full Member

    joshvegasFree Member
    Before it got nicked on Saturday (£30k plus) my work surveying kit was magical the gps unit accurate to 15mm to OS grid (bit too big for fitting to bars) they say science but nah it’s proper magic first survey kit was premagic but worked in the rain!
    Hmm that feels wrong. The OS grid is a flawed planar representation of a the surface of a sphere? Surely its 15mm accuracy to any point on the globe?

    2types of magic going on , 1st is GPS to 10m then magic 2 down to 15-20mm magic 2 is some sort of base station radio link so is limited to UK at that accuracy. It was magic though 🙁

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