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  • the wonderful world of private healthcare US style
  • molgrips
    Free Member

    The more I learn about their system the more shocked I am. It’s a disgrace in a rich country imo.

    Free Member

    i always remember an American uni colleague describing the NHS as socialist health care.
    I dont understand why anyone would not want free access to health care for all citizens tbh but they are quite anti this IM limited E

    Free Member

    I too don’t understand the argument of NHS = bad and US Healthcare = good.
    Crazy way of treating your citizens.

    Free Member

    Ask Dan The Man HanNAN! He likes to sit on US chat shows, extolling their system and rubbishing ours.

    Free Member

    I dread to think what the cost for my treatment would have been in the US, 5 weeks intensive care won’t be cheap, Aren’t medical bills the biggest cause for personal bankruptcy in the US?

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    i always remember an American uni colleague describing the NHS as socialist health care.

    There seems to be a section of American society that refers to any level of government assistance as socialist, or more frequently communism. I’m not sure if this is due to ignorance as to what socialism or communism is or if it’s to scare people away from it because of the thought that anything from communism must be bad no matter what.

    Full Member

    what amazed me was the right-wing shitkickers, out in iowa or some such shit-hole, voting against medical reform.

    A more blatant example of Turkeys voting for Christmas, its difficult to imagine.

    But, hey, better to die an honest democratic death through lack of medical facilities, than live in a goddamn socialist state.!!!!

    Full Member

    spent 3months at a summer camp in the usa working with kids mostly on welfare from inner city boston
    mass is a rich state and their healthcare apparently better than most
    but i was gobsmacked by their poor access to basic medicine; ear infections that stank like you wouldnt believed, ringworm, random stuff that antibiotics would clear up in no time not to mention more serious stuff
    i know that things can be grim in this country- ive worked with kids in harringey -but the richest country in the world is only that if youre one of the haves

    Free Member

    Better get aquainted – it’s where we are heading.

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    Try visiting http://www.greylabyrinth.com and asking a few of those questions. try the off topic section

    Free Member

    It’s not so much the idea of universal free healthcare that our US cousins object to, It’s the idea of paying for the healthcare of someone who makes no effort to pay for their own. It’s not so far from the opinions of some of the folks on here.

    Full Member

    I spend a fair amount of time over on Fark.com, and the forum on their politics tab is, quite frankly, terrifying. There is a stalwart of Republican people in America that flat out despise the reforms that Obama made to the US healthcare system. I imagine them literally fading in and out of consciousness at their keyboards through sheer rage, as they bash out some half-baked opinion about why The Government providing a basic level of healthcare to everyone in their society is a very bad, very socialist, very un-American thing. I mean, the current leading Republican candidate for the Presidential race seems to be basing his entire campaign on reversing every single one of the laws and reforms Obama has brought in. On his first day in office 😯

    Free Member

    Spent 3 years in USA. It’s two countries that happen to share a land mass like some sort of patchwork quilt. One of the countries is first world, the other third, and they butt right up against each other. Very unsettling. One of the best things about coming back was the civilisation of things like the NHS (and I had tip-top insurance over there). It’s a wonderful country in so many ways, but also messed up so badly at the same time.

    Cheap bikes, though.

    Full Member

    TheBrick – Member
    There seems to be a section of American society that refers to any level of government assistance as socialist, or more frequently communism. I’m not sure if this is due to ignorance as to what socialism or communism is or if it’s to scare people away from it because of the thought that anything from communism must be bad no matter what.

    That pretty much sums it up. I work for an American company & deal a fair bit with my peers in the US.

    The well travelled & outward looking ones envy our NHS (to the degree that 2 made a point of being overjoyed in coming over here with pregnant wives to get better & cheap health care/delivery.

    Some others thought that if their children were born in NHS hospitals that they would be branded Communists!

    Full Member

    There seems to be a section of American society that refers to any level of government assistance as socialist, or more frequently communism. I’m not sure if this is due to ignorance as to what socialism or communism is or if it’s to scare people away from it because of the thought that anything from communism must be bad no matter what.


    I’ve had arguments with Americans who seem to use the words “socialist” or “communist” as the ultimate argument settler to which there is no reply. It is “socialist” therefore it is fundamentally wrong, evil, un-American and against nature/God.

    Quite strange really.

    It’s often amusing to try to catch such people out in a swirl of hypocritical logic though. 😀

    I’ve also noticed they seem to use “communist” to mean the opposite of “democracy” rather than the opposite of “capitalism” 😕

    Full Member

    i hope the guy will be ok (now he’s getting treatment for his illnesses).i feel very fortunate to live in the uk (where healthcare is free,well at present.)

    Free Member

    where healthcare is free,well at present

    See, it’s not free though is it, you are paying for it through taxes in fact the only folks not paying for it are the Social security layabouts, but it’s not free for them either, you’re paying for their healthcare, some folks don’t like that.

    Free Member

    i hope the guy will be ok (now he’s getting treatment for his illnesses).i feel very fortunate to live in the uk (where healthcare is free,well at present.)

    It’s not free. But it is a pretty good system compared to the US for sure.

    Free Member

    In the US it’s ‘free’ as well, just instead of paying taxes, they pay an insurance premium, much as we do. Except they don’t need to pay for the folks not paying into the scheme as well, so overall, the win!

    Free Member

    but it’s not free for them either, you’re paying for their healthcare, some folks don’t like that.

    Do the people who cannot afford healthcare also think it is their responsibility to pay for healthcare? that is not a troll it is a genuine question.

    Full Member

    It’s not free.

    The key phrase is “free at the point of use”.

    Free Member

    Junkyard, not quite sure what you mean.

    Free Member

    Charlie – I assume you’re trolling, but did you read the link above? Working man loses his job and health insurance and gets badly ill. No win there, I’m afraid 😕

    Free Member

    do folk too poor to pay for their own healthcare still maintain it is their responsibility to pay for it and fair enough that they have no access to healthcare.
    Is it just people who can afford their own who support the system that you need to pay to get it?
    I just wondered how universal the view was tbh.

    Free Member

    Charlie – I assume you’re trolling, but did you read the link above?

    Not trolling, we were talking about how some Americans seem to think the NHS is a mugs games, i was just outlining some of their arguments.

    Free Member

    Charlie – I assume you’re trolling, but did you read the link above? Working man loses his job and health insurance and gets badly ill. No win there, I’m afraid

    Or the bit kimbers posted about the poor kids at summer school – difficult to argue they deserve not to get basic healthcare. Unless you’re a **** of course.

    Full Member

    CharlieMungus – Member
    Junkyard, not quite sure what you mean.

    I assume he meant, do those that can’t afford health insurance think someone else should be picking up the tab for them

    Free Member

    do folk too poor to pay for their own healthcare still maintain it is their responsibility to pay for it and fair enough that they have no access to healthcare.

    Is it just people who can afford their own who support the system that you need to pay to get it?
    I just wondered how universal the view was tbh.

    I don’t know, the only folks i’ve tried to explore this with are those with jobs. They would probably argue that those who don’t pay into the system don’t get to chose who it serves

    Free Member

    i would not word it like that BB but yes it will do as a right wing version of my question 😉
    I wondered if the country was so freedom loving/personal responsibility/small state that even those who lost out thought it was right.

    Free Member

    do folk too poor to pay for their own healthcare still maintain it is their responsibility to pay for it and fair enough that they have no access to healthcare.

    As someone said above, lots of poor rightwingers were vehemently against Obama’s health care plan, even though it would have given them health care which they were previously denied.

    But that’s because they’ve been brainwashed.

    Free Member

    As someone said above, lots of poor rightwingers were vehemently against Obama’s health care plan, even though it would have given them health care which they were previously denied.

    But that’s because they’ve been brainwashed.

    I think it’s all part of the piece in right-wing libertarian terms, part of the distrust of government interference. But really if you want to discuss it in detail, the guys on the earlier link will give yo a very intelligent argument against.

    Free Member

    CharlieMungus – Member

    Charlie – I assume you’re trolling, but did you read the link above?

    Not trolling, we were talking about how some Americans seem to think the NHS is a mugs games, i was just outlining some of their arguments.

    Sorry – I have this aggravating personality trait which means I tend to take people at face value 🙂 And actually, I actually do believe you believe what you’ve written. Not my job to change your mind and hopefully the recent US reforms mean that there are less people thinking the way you describe….

    Free Member

    I actually do believe you believe what you’ve written


    It’s not aggravating, just a bit dim

    Free Member

    Thanks very much 🙂 And may I take this opportunity to apologise again for thinking the best of a stranger.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Not going to make any comments either way, other than to say the American right’s argument against is laid out pretty well here, and hasn’t really changed since then

    Free Member

    we were talking about how some Americans seem to think the NHS is a mugs games

    And yet they are very much the mugs in this game. They spend 16% of their GDP on healthcare, we on the other hand spend 9% of our GDP on healthcare – and, we treat everyone.

    If they had an NHS their healthcare bill would be considerably smaller.

    Free Member

    I know, but i think they claim that they don’t have to wait months for routine surgery

    For some crazy but well supported ideas on all kinds of stuff, read here


    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    They spend 16% of their GDP on healthcare, we on the other hand spend 9% of our GDP on healthcare

    I’ve just discovered that according to a US congressional report, healthcare is projected to reach 49% of GDP in the US by 2082, and 25% of GDP in just 14 years time.


    Quote :

    Total spending on health care would rise from
    16 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2007
    to 25 percent in 2025, 37 percent in 2050, and
    49 percent in 2082.

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