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  • The UK – brief roundup please..
  • scotia
    Free Member

    Ok, so i’ve left the UK almost 2 yrs ago now and since then the country has changed somewhat..

    I try to keep up, but its tricky to do so.

    Can someone give me a little summary of what is happening now – i hear that brown is possibly leaving?

    Is the UK finished? Will it recover? Are my remaining GBP’s going to go to nothing as the pound doesnt seem to be very good..

    thanks in advance!

    Free Member

    The country started to sink a few years back because of the lax imigration laws, so Gordon Brown gave away all the countries gold bullion at a car boot sale in Paris. This helped till the Bankers got greedy and the weight of their salaries started to do the same. In steps our savior Gordon Brown again and kills of that practice, then his own team tried too ballance thing up with their expenseses and we are sinking again. There is no hope in sight or in the coming future.

    Full Member

    Its a fine country. We occasionally suffer from foreign owners of newspapers deciding to whip up a storm about things that aren’t important (like how MPs choose to spend their £150 overnight accommodation allowance) but at the end of the day, we’ll be fine.

    By December the pound will be buying $1.70.

    The average time before a Brit living abroad decides to pack it in and come back home is 7 years.

    Free Member

    Nowt has fundamentally changed. People still whinge away as ever. Recession has effected a few folk same as the rest of the world.

    Free Member

    Can someone give me a little summary of what is happening

    The country started to sink a few years back because of the lax imigration laws, so Gordon Brown gave away all the countries gold bullion at a car boot sale in Paris. This helped till the Bankers got greedy and the weight of their salaries started to do the same. In steps our savior Gordon Brown again and kills of that practice, then his own team tried too ballance thing up with their expenseses and we are sinking again. There is no hope in sight or in the coming future.

    The English language has eroded somewhat

    Free Member

    well ive moved over here not to ‘pack it in’ but because thats where my life took me..

    if we come to live in the UK that will be in a few years time, but i dont see it.

    sorry but when i changed my money i had a good 2.4, now ive got 1.6..

    Free Member

    typically interesting posts here..well done stw!

    Free Member

    Does ‘it’s a bit sh!t’ cover it?

    Free Member

    It’s all going to hell in a handcart, BB10 has started. Still at least that means the meeja won’t be talking about expenses any more.

    Free Member

    Generally good but too much whining.

    Free Member

    It’s still the best country in the world, yes!

    Free Member

    PP…haha!! can you back that up?

    Free Member

    PP is right. What country is better?

    Free Member

    Shortly after you left we started to suspect that the machines were plotting against us. They had become ever more powerful, of course, once we had created self-replicating and self-educating artificial intelligences. Soon they were able to out-think us, and gradually usurped human decision-making in many crucial areas and systems. Before long, it became apparent that most human society was dependant uponm them, but we still assumed that we were in control, and that they could not challenge human supremacy, that there was something special and unique about the human brain that would always give us an edge. When they seized control of the government and shut down the media there was pandemonium. Our armed forces were powerless against the might of the machines, and with government paralysed and terrified refusgees streaming out of the cities to escape the slaughter it truly seemed as though the end had come. Today, little remains of the Britain that you left. The machiones control all of the major cities, and the human inhabitants are enslaved, crushed and hopeless. Only a few free communities still hold out in Cornwall, protected more by secrecy and caution than by force of arms. We try to keep the flame of hope alive in these dark times, but there can be no knowing how long we will hold out, or when the end will come.

    Free Member

    ok, TJ…same question (im preparing myself..) back that up..

    Free Member

    I think the fact people get “worked up” about what are pretty minor developments compared to other countries is a good thing.We haven’t become one of the finer countries in the world by having low expectations.
    Power to the high standards brigade i say.
    In conclusion,not bad could be much better.

    Full Member

    The country started to sink a few years back because of the lax imigration laws

    Oh dear

    Free Member

    It’s still the best country in the world, yes!

    Pretty much. The grass always seems greener, but I’d rather live here than anywhere else.

    The country started to sink a few years back because of the lax imigration laws


    Free Member

    scotia – simple. No other country I know of has the same mix of things I like. real ale is a prerequisite so thats most of the world out. strict control of firearms is another, liberal democracy is another. Right to roam is another

    Find me a country that has all 4. there isn’t one apart form Britain

    Free Member

    The country started to sink a few years back because of the lax imigration laws

    Those would be the harshest immigration restrictions in Europe then? The ones that have actually become increasingly restrictive every year since 1962? The ones that show that any claim we might once have had to be a liberal, tolerant and welcoming nation is nonsense?

    If you’re going to read the Daily Mail at least keep half a brain cell and some kind of critical faculty active.

    Full Member

    down here in pastyland not much has changed in the last two years. a bit sunnier this summer than the last couple hopefully….

    Free Member

    but jobs? all gone? its what i read on the bbc..
    economy? shot to s***?

    Free Member

    scotia – I’ll bring you some Bristol 12 mud next weekend then you can decide whether anythings changed much.

    Full Member

    down here in pastyland not much has changed in the last two years. a bit sunnier this summer than the last couple hopefully….

    jambo, down here in pastyland not much has changed in the last 60 years.

    Full Member

    good point. well made.

    Free Member

    aP – ok!

    looking fwd to it…even more the curry!

    Free Member

    Burgers, carting, beer and curry – that’ll be even more re-assurance! See you next Saturday.

    Free Member

    Well put TJ :o)

    Free Member

    The UK is where my family is, so that makes it the best place in the world for me.

    I would say the main thing which has changed in the last couple of years is that high streets have lots of closed shops. I cannot say I’ve seen many more differences.

    Pound actually seems to be rising at the minute, so perhaps convert some of your currency…

    Free Member

    The country started to sink a few years back because of the lax imigration laws

    I know all the people coming to this country for the last 3000 years its terrible, i mean the poor Britons, oh hang on, there never really has been any.

    Full Member

    We still drink too much beer, the weather still contains plenty of rain.
    There is infighting amongst the various factions.

    So all is pretty much the same as when the Romans came – except more rabbits and fewer beavers.

    Free Member

    The country started to sink a few years back because of the lax imigration laws

    Those would be the harshest immigration restrictions in Europe then? The ones that have actually become increasingly restrictive every year since 1962? The ones that show that any claim we might once have had to be a liberal, tolerant and welcoming nation is nonsense?

    If you’re going to read the Daily Mail at least keep half a brain cell and some kind of critical faculty active.

    Then why has the percentage of persons coming to the UK increased from 4.5% in 1961 to 5.8 % in 1991. It then doubled to 11% in 2008.

    It was meant as a tongue in cheek comment 🙄

    Free Member

    Although i’m not all that bothered about reasonable amounts of immigrants the idea this has been going on for millennia is nonsense.People mention vikings and the like…they actually invaded and if you argued about it you probably received an axe in the head as punishment.
    Not quite the same thing is it ?

    Free Member

    roddersrambler – Member
    Although i’m not all that bothered about reasonable amounts of immigrants the idea this has been going on for millennia is nonsense.People mention vikings and the like…they actually invaded and if you argued about it you probably received an axe in the head as punishment.
    Not quite the same thing is it ?

    I see your point, in those day we had to pay them a Tax, these days we pay them benefits

    Free Member

    scotia – simple. No other country I know of has the same mix of things I like. real ale is a prerequisite so thats most of the world out. strict control of firearms is another, liberal democracy is another. Right to roam is another

    Find me a country that has all 4. there isn’t one apart form Britain

    Well said TJ, but for me I love the countryside, the people, the history, and really just the quaintness and beauty of the place. Politics and all that crap don’t make a country…..

    Full Member

    LOL bigdummy, i appreciate you 🙂

    Free Member

    Joxster – wrong agin. Immegrants do not get benefits until they have been here a year.

    Most of the immigration that occurs is from the EC.

    Free Member

    Its the greatest place on earth – economy is pretty much the same as everywhere else and its full of people moaning about stuff like everywhere else, but we have the best beer and chips!

    Free Member

    Sweden, TJ, Sweden.

    Free Member

    except for the real ale – bum!

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