After 5 years of a posh, all inclusive, catered chalet type jobs, we need to find a cheap alternative this season.
Up until 5 years ago I always just went on my own with the lads. Ive skied since I was about 17, we used to book allocation on arrival deals with Airtours, pitch up at the airport with no idea where we were going! For me its always been about the skiing, I couldn’t give a shit about fancy hotels or catered chalets, id honestly sleep in my van and eat bread and cheese all week if I could ski every day!
Unfortunately this sentiment is not shared by my wife and kids. For them its very much about the salubrious digs and nice food and less about time on the slopes.
But, having been out of work for a large part of this year, and now earning a chunk less than in recent years we cant afford to go with our usual crew. In fact, being a bit more skint lately an looking back at what it normally costs ‘all in’ was quite a shock and not an amount I ever wanna spend again regardless of circumstance.
I need either very cheap catered, or really nice self catered. I am considering driving down not only to save on flights but also make the location less of an issue? Need to prove to the mrs that a SC ski holiday is not the hell she imagines it will be..
Ideally I’d like to be anywhere between Les Arcs and Val up the Tarentaise Valley. Our regular patch is Sainte Foy so would like to ski there one day at least… maybe even meet up with our mates if the dates align…
were not restricted to half term, but gonna need equipment hire and kids lessons.
Any advice great fully received.
Noticed some great apartments on Airbnb!