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  • The pope, catholicism, and homosexuality.
  • Nobeerinthefridge
    Free Member

    So how can anyone take this chap seriously after his comments regarding homosexuality this week?, in fact if you can’t take him seriously, then what about the religion which he preaches?.

    I give you a nazi and a homophobe.


    Full Member

    you’re wrong

    they had a woman on the radio about this

    he was attacking gender theory, and gender theory alone. it should in no way be construed as an attack on filthy perverts and abominations before the lord

    ( :idea:)

    the smiley thing has nothing to do with my post – just wondered what it was. apparently not a goatse’y

    Free Member

    Oh well, if there was a woman on the radio, I must be wrong :-)

    Free Member

    per‚ãÖvert‚ÄÇ ‚ÄÇ[v. per-vurt; n. pur-vert] Show IPA Pronunciation
    –verb (used with object)
    1. to affect with perversion.
    2. to lead astray morally.
    3. to turn away from the right course.
    4. to lead into mental error or false judgment.
    5. to turn to an improper use; misapply.
    6. to misconstrue or misinterpret, esp. deliberately; distort: to pervert someone’s statement.
    7. to bring to a less excellent state; vitiate; debase.
    8. Pathology. to change to what is unnatural or abnormal.
    9. to convert or persuade to a religious belief regarded as false or wrong.
    10. a person who practices sexual perversion.
    11. Pathology. a person affected with perversion.
    12. a person who has been perverted, esp. to a religious belief regarded as erroneous.
    1300–50; (v.) ME perverten < L pervertere to overturn, subvert, equiv. to per- per- + vertere to turn; (n.) n. use of obs. pervert perverted

    Hmm. Borgias, anyone?

    Free Member

    why people listen to a guy who wears a dress and hears voices in his head beats me

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