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  • The one about the Olympic Games 2024
  • wheelsonfire1
    Full Member

    Thanks for the link  @OmarLittle I did wonder what happened there and how Pidcock came out in front. Cracking race!

    Full Member

    Koretzky was on the left and heading lefter to try and squeeze Pidcock, I don’t think he was expecting TP to be as quick through the alternate line as he was and put himself into the side and then stumbled. Hard and fair by both, shame for Koretzky as he rode a really good race to then and had the gas for the win but just let the pressure get to him in the last couple of minutes.

    Full Member

    Superb race was that, great stuff!

    Full Member

    Great race, brilliant battle for the win by Pidcock and Koretzky, but (slightly) tarnished by unsporting behaviour from the audience at the finish line. Fair enough if you’re upset that the home rider didn’t win, or you don’t understand the rules, but it’s an Olympic final; show some deference.

    Free Member

    Koretzky was also heading left because there was a tree directly in front of him. After they clashed, it was avoiding the tree that caused him to stumble and dab a foot, ultimately losing a few seconds, rather than the actual contact.

    Free Member

    Fantastic race. Booyaa to the French.

    Course looked fast and flowy, not sure all the criticism was deserved.

    Full Member

    An excellent race…not a massive surprise at the booing…the home rider looked almost set to take it home halfway through, so clearly a few disappointed fans.
    Charlie did very well…any see how he managed to remove his left shoulder material from his top?

    Free Member

    The tv footage didnt capture it but when Koretzky attacked and had the gap late on then next thing you see is Pidock on the front again it was due to this


    Major cock-up! Looks like the Frenchy was pretty spent to make that mistake. In fact, he was lucky to lead for as long as he did. Without the puncture I think Tom would have led the race till the end.

    Be interesting to see what the French press says about the overtake.

    Full Member

    Koretsky theoretically has a better sprint (I’m told).

    The smart move might have been to accept Pidcocks move and sit on his wheel for the sprint.

    However as was Koretsky tightened into Pidcock when Pidcock was ahead – and as I coach the youngsters, no contact please but if there is you’re always safer on the inside line and being slightly ahead. Which is what we saw today.

    Free Member

    Looks like Koretsky figured out he should be covering the inside line but Pidders came through at such a speed he couldn’t do it.  And either the track or Pidders shaped his bike so that had they properly come together it would definitely have been a case of Koretsky hitting him.  Smart racing to cap off a fine contest.

    Full Member

    Looks more like he was coming back left to avoid the tree. Don’t think there was much thinky about covering a line more “merde, arbre”

    Free Member

    Im not seeing any problem with that, he pounced at exactly the right moment with explosive power and got ahead. Very impressive from an athlete at the top of their game

    The vid with the Frenchy losing his front wheel, is that immediately before the winning move or some other Time?

    Full Member

    Before – maybe a couple of minutes earlier.

    Koretzky attacked again and retook the lead.

    Free Member

    Thanks. Blimey what a race

    Full Member

    Evie Richards needs to be congratulated too. After being badly concussed earlier this year she’s hardly done much racing and came in 5th in her race. She also cheered Tom on (which she’s done before), such a great female rider.

    Full Member

    Koretzky swung across as the course rejoined, obviously hoping he was going to beat Pidcock but clearly didn’t have the acceleration and clipped Pidcock. I’ve watched it several times, and Pidcock had the best, straight line and the speed, Koretzky misjudged the line, timing and just how fast Pidcock was able to put the hammer down and get his wheel in front.
    No bias, it’s perfectly clear that Pidcock had the speed in his legs, and the absolute determination to get in front.

    Brilliant performance, great racing.

    Why is Archery such a thing in S Korea?

    It’s part of their history and culture, I think going back to horse-mounted warriors and possibly back to the Mongol horse archers. They really are the team to beat in international competitions. It’s a shame that archery isn’t a bigger part of our culture, considering our history of using archers in battle, even as recently as the 1700’s – musketeers were used extensively at that time, but there were still trained archers in the British army. A warbow practice distance as set by law was twelve score yards (240), or 219 metres, a range that’s now been easily beaten by longbow archers using bows made to medieval pattern, so somewhere close to 8-900 feet.

    Trouble there, is, finding the space to safely shoot a bow to those distances, international competitions shoot at 70m, 230ft, at the club I shoot at, I changed from 30 to 40 yds, while changing my sight an arrow just went over the top of the target and I found it at the 70m line;  there is a 10° limit on the elevation that you can shoot at, to avoid the risk of arrows going outside the club boundary.

    Especially true when shooting compound bows, which aren’t included in Olympic events. Yet.

    Full Member

    Someone really needs to explain the judging on the boxing to me. I’ve seen a few fights now and each time the fighter who’s been on the front foot more, Landed more connecting jabs, and more significant blows hasn’t won. Latest is the British boxer Delicious Orie.

    Full Member

    Bbc4 has an interesting programme on the building Eiffel tower. A tenuous link to the Olympics but interesting.

    Full Member

    Latest is the British boxer Delicious Orie.

    Just watched that, it was an absolute travesty.

    Full Member

    Last lap showed two superb riders at the top of their game. I’m not sure Pidcock would have beaten him up that last slope given how Koretzky went past him to the top. It would certainly have been close.

    I did wonder if he’d gone right to cover a potential overtake.

    Great race from both (all) riders.

    Full Member

    Just watched that, it was an absolute travesty

    Not just me thinking that then

    Full Member

    I was an archer back in my late teens and we had a woman push a child in a pushchair behind the targets one morning. Had ignored all the warning signs etc.  When asked what she was doing she said she thought it was ok as she was behind the targets and not in front…

    Free Member

    Koretzky lost that bad, the mistake, then picking the right hand long way, when Pidcock went left via the touch shorter route

    bit amateur hour from the pits though, even though they didn’t rush or panic in the moment, front wheel/back wheel should have been ready to go every lap without them being surprised it was needed as well as fluids/gels, hell of a come back though

    Full Member

    Tom looked casual as **** though, didn’t even take his hand from the bars and drank from the bottle, class!.

    Full Member

    Some of the French fans need to go and sit in a quiet room and have a think about how they behaved.

    If Pidcock hadn’t had the wheel change he would have left Koretzky for dead long before his smart line choice that got their pants in a twist.

    I hope Tom had time to shout ” ON YOUR LEFT” :)

    Full Member

    bit amateur hour from the pits though, even though they didn’t rush or panic in the moment

    You could argue that he overshot the pit box. Yes they should have been looking out every lap but they had to back up a bit to grab a wheel.


    Koretzky made two mistakes in the lap that ultimately cost him gold. Pidcock said that the right line was smoother the left line had a hole but any gap at that stage he was going for it.

    Full Member

    Pidcock moment of the race for me was leaving the pits with a bottle in his mouth, going full throttle, and then clearing the drop off & jump still clenching the bottle in his teeth. Chapeau!


    Full Member

    Just been taking a look at the road race course. There are some steep fast descents on city streets. I hope to god it doesn’t rain or there will be carnage.

    Full Member

    Happy birthday Tom.

    Pidders has been doing quite a lot of interviews this morning and he confirmed what others have said above, that the mechanic didn’t see him waving from the top, pointing out the puncture. I too couldn’t understand why the wheels weren’t nearer the front, puncture ready. However the change was quick in the end. It was very dusty in the bunnyhop household when Pidders passed that line in gold medal position.

    Tom said he was shattered after that race. I’m not surprised. He’s now looking forward to Saturday’s road race.

    Free Member

    Unfortunate, or fortunate depending on how you see it that the Triathlon has been delayed. Speculation that rain may prevent it happening tomorrow too. Which would be a bit shit

    Tests are being carried out daily on the water quality in the Seine, which is also due to host the triathlon mixed relay on 5 August, the Olympic marathon swimming on 8 and 9 August, and the Para-triathlon event at the Paralympics, which start on 28 August.

    Organisers said about 1.4bn euros (£1.2bn) has been spent on a regeneration project to make the Seine safe to swim in after a 100-year-old ban from doing so.

    But as recently as June this year the level of E coli bacteria was 10 times the acceptable level imposed by sports federations.

    Full Member

    Which would be a bit shit

    Literally :-)

    Free Member

    Just been taking a look at the road race course. There are some steep fast descents on city streets. I hope to god it doesn’t rain or there will be carnage.

    I think there is more risk of the tarmac melting now.

    Full Member

    Both possibly. It’s going to be 36 in Paris today, then a big Thunderstorm warning from 5PM. I’m due to fly into CDG this afternoon and the wind is Variable 20kts, gusting 50kts!! That’s the sort of wind forecast you usually see in USA with supercells, so going to be a fun evening ??

    Full Member

    I’m watching the high speed table tennis gold medal match at the moment. Fast and furious.

    I’ll watch some BMX tricks later on..

    Full Member

    It’s sad that Charlotte Worthington has not qualified for the BMX.

    Full Member

    Men’s trap finals (clay pigeon) on at the mo. GB currently in the lead. Not sure how many clays are involved in the competition.

    Free Member

    Not sure how many clays are involved in the competition.

    From the BBC site…

    The competitors each shoot at 25 targets, at which point the sixth-placed athlete is eliminated. The lowest ranked competitor is then eliminated after every subsequent five shots each.

    When only two athletes remain, they each shoot at another 10 targets (thus completing a total of 50 targets in the final), with their overall score determining the winner.

    The GB competitor (Hales) scored 24 out of 25 in the initial set.

    Full Member

    Silver or gold for GB Nathan Hayles

    Full Member

    Solid performance from Nathan Hayles and a shiny gold medal plus an Olympic record!

    Free Member

    I read that as “when two athletes remain they shoot at each other”……..a new meaning to sudden death final I guess

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