If it’s any of the Republicans we are screwed. Black Jesus (that’s Greg Proops nickname for him) hasn’t exactly been the saviour a lot of people hoped he would be but that’s not all his fault. The difficulty is finding a half decent candidate that hasn’t been corrupted by the the necessary billionaire backers they need just to run for office.
It could be good for the world in the long run if Trump was president. It could brake the hold that US political dogma seems to have over most of the world.
Bernie Sanders over *lying Clinton wall street fan girl (who also lied about her plane getting shot at)
If Trump got in, there would not be enough ground space to bury all the bodys of anyone who isn’t white. Not even the original inhabitants of America would be safe. Think the refugee status in the UK is bad now, just think how many people would be fleeing America to get away from Trumps gun toting fan club.
Marco Rubio is the best shot of sanity from the Republican base and, experience aside, could give Hilary a run for her money should he stay in contention.
Is there any way we could shoot Trump with a tranquiliser and install him in a big truman show fake world, in which he becomes president? Because it’s a shame to miss out on all the comedy, just for the sake of avoiding world war 3.
The Republicans just seem to have lurched further and further to the right until its distilled down to the pure essence of xenophobia, religious ignorance, and ‘there’s no such thing as society’ capitalism
I think a big part of the problem is the way their political system is funded, sadly ours seems to be heading that way…
Rubio is relatively sane but his preferred church….
But an investigation of Rubio’s Miami Baptist megachurch reveals, notably, an anti-homosexual hiring policy, the promotion of demonology and exorcism, Young Earth creationism, and denial of evolution.
Northwind – Member
Is there any way we could shoot Trump with a tranquiliser and install him in a big truman show fake world, in which he becomes president? Because it’s a shame to miss out on all the comedy, just for the sake of avoiding world war 3.
This. Is. Genius.
I’d PAY for that, let alone vote for it…
Is there any way we could shoot Trump with a tranquiliser and install him in a big truman show fake world, in which he becomes president? Because it’s a shame to miss out on all the comedy, just for the sake of avoiding world war 3.
I was over during some of the debates, you have to experience the terrifying right wing media to appreciate it. I think bush is too left for some of them. The right is demanding the far right, Trump will pick up on the attacks and fear mongering. Black Jesus wants to implement a tax rate based on the bible despite it coming up short by several billion, the rest of the right want to close down government.
From the left (Rest of the world right of centre) Clinton comes across well, for the rest of the world Clinton is the best hope I reckon.
Black Jesus wants to implement a tax rate based on the bible despite it coming up short by several billion, the rest of the right want to close down government.
Black Jesus is a reference to the Nobel Peace Prize with a Assassination Hitlist (Obama) not the biblical fantasist (Ben Carson), surely?
You ought to follow the choosing of candidates on Fox News – I’ve started trolling them on Twitter, it’s entertaining. If Trump or Carson get in then I’m sure a CIA hit squad will be after me
Donald Trump says tough gun control laws in Paris contributed to tragedy (WashPo)
It’s a common though, they suggested Australians were in danger and oppressed after they implemented sensible gun laws in the wake of a mass shooting. Guess what, it worked. The everyone is safer if everyone is armed is a tick in the NRA vote box. You can almost hear some of the republicans making sure they hit every note in the rights song sheet of crazy ideas – problem is they need to as so many people think they are good ideas.
s there any way we could shoot Trump with a tranquiliser and install him in a big truman show fake world, in which he becomes president? Because it’s a shame to miss out on all the comedy, just for the sake of avoiding world war 3.
Is there any way we could shoot Trump with a tranquiliser and install him in a big truman show fake world, in which he becomes president? Because it’s a shame to miss out on all the comedy, just for the sake of avoiding world war 3.
Quite possibly the only ‘reality TV show’ I could ever bring myself to watch;
Trump is batsh1t insane, what’s scarier is that there are enough other insane people who consider him a viable candidate* to lead a country, and not just any country, one with enough power and resources to do a lot of harm in the wrong hands.
One batsh1t insane guy is easy to deal with, but a large number of them who support him is a tougher problem, and far scarier, beacuse it means it isn’t actually Trump that’s the problem, he’s just the symbol 🙁
*not that any of the others, or many of our own are much better.
OP, its way too early to tell who will be the Republican nominee. The parallels to Europe are clear in some ways in the Carson and Trump are the anti-establishment candidates. Demoracts look likely to nominate Clinton, she’s a very rational person.
What’s clear is that whoever wins in 2016 is going to be further to the right politically than Obama,