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  • The lad that's been stabbed and killed whilst robbing!
  • SurroundedByZulus
    Free Member

    I was burgled once. If I had been home at the time and had a knife in my hand they too would have got stabbed.

    If they dont go burgling houses then they wont get stabbed while burgling a house. It’s pretty simple really.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    wrightyson – Member

    Tony Martin???

    Shot a burgler in the back as he ran away. Not reasonable force.

    Nahhh … use bow and arrow instead or a crossbow or booby trap them with bear trap.

    Full Member

    TJ has it Tony Martin shot one of them in the back which suggests the guy was running away not attacking.

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator

    TJ has it Tony Martin shot one of them in the back which suggests the guy was running away not attacking.

    Yes, but the guy (the burglar) is dead. No more. Kaput. Problem solved. No more stress.

    We still need to feed Tony Martin if he is jailed for life because that’s his human rights.

    Full Member

    We still need to feed Tony Martin because that’s his rights.


    Free Member

    Drac, there really is no point…

    Free Member

    If they dont go burgling houses then they wont get stabbed while burgling a house. It’s pretty simple really.

    so whatever happens and whatever you do it will always be their fault and you cannot be unreasonable or over zealous.
    I find the attitude of those who would kill just as unpalatable as those who would rob. Neither is reasonable behaviour IMHO. It is not like Vikings are arriving and you need to fight for your life or your families.

    Free Member

    Nahhh … use bow and arrow instead or a crossbow or booby trap them with bear trap.

    I have a longbow with a 70lb draw, my mate has a goats-foot crossbow with a 320lb draw weight. The longbow will definitely kill, the crossbow will probably put a hole in someone you could put your arm through, not really the sort of thing to be shooting at anyone.

    Free Member

    live by the sword.. die by the sword.. I have no sympathy..

    Full Member

    If they dont go burgling houses then they wont get stabbed while burgling a house. It’s pretty simple really.

    ‘s pretty much my feelings.

    I find the attitude of those who would kill just as unpalatable as those who would rob.

    See, here’s the thing. This is the Internet. It’s like being in the pub after six pints. People will make bold cocksure claims like “well, if they came in my house, they’d bloody regret it, I’d kick the snot out of them and they’d beg me to kill them by the end” when in actual fact what would really happen is that they’d involuntarily piss themselves and cry like a schoolgirl whose puppy just got run over. Myself included.

    Free Member

    Once you break the law you forfit any rights. You chose to enter the house. If you choose to enter a derelict building and it falls on you. Your choice. If you choose to ride a black run and you hurt your self, your choice.
    1 less I say and good job.

    Free Member

    If only insurers saw it that black and White!!

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member

    See, here’s the thing. This is the Internet. It’s like being in the pub after six pints. People will make bold cocksure claims like “well, if they came in my house, they’d bloody regret it, I’d kick the snot out of them and they’d beg me to kill them by the end” when in actual fact what would really happen is that they’d involuntarily piss themselves and cry like a schoolgirl whose puppy just got run over. Myself included.

    LOL! True, true … yes, minor things you might as well let them have it but if your family is in danger just don’t be a nancy boy and defend with all your might until the last drop of your blood.

    Junkyard: “It is not like Vikings are arriving and you need to fight for your life or your families.”

    True, true … they are fighting machine …

    wrightyson – Member

    If only insurers saw it that black and White!!

    Insurers! Runnnnn!!! Damn! … That you definitely do not want to mess with.

    Free Member

    People will make bold cocksure claims like “well, if they came in my house, they’d bloody regret it, I’d kick the snot out of them and they’d beg me to kill them by the end

    As a counter balance, I would shit myself and they would probably feel too embarrassed by me crying in the foetal position to even steal my stuff.

    Free Member

    He complied and handed them over, and then matey stabbed him anyway. Guy just survived.

    There is a point in there somewhere.

    Clearly 😯

    Free Member

    Another reasonable force gone too far:

    At least people are talking about burglaries, it’s not “robbery” as OP has listed, very different offences.

    Free Member

    Who knows what happened but it does look as if a “not entirely innocent fella” suffered so the incident is not without some symmetry.

    Free Member

    Should’nt have broken in!
    I know one thing i will do the same if confronted with someone in my house
    got what the scum deserves.And shows what scum they where has his friends
    left him there.

    Zero tolerance here

    Free Member

    My dad gave me his old lead injected chair leg that he used to keep under the bar in the pub we used to own.It now rests beside me and the wifes bed in our home.Never used it.Never want to use it but I will if me and/or my family are ever endagerd.Before anyone says “you can’t use that” it’s simple – don’t break into my house and I won’t have to.

    Full Member

    At least people are talking about burglaries, it’s not “robbery” as OP has listed, very different offences

    still burglary, even with 3 people in the house ?
    (genuine question, btw)

    Free Member

    then you could be charged with an offence the same as if you were tooled up in the street for purely self protection reasons. Why not use it only if they attack you rather than because they enter your property?
    Two wrongs dont make a right.

    Free Member

    Every morning at the mine, you could see him arrive.
    He stood 6 foot 6, weighed 245.

    Free Member

    an other P.O.S off the streets, these people will only piss on you if your on fire to put the flames out so they can steal your wallet,yes a waste of a young life ,it was there choice to to go into the house, wait now to see the facts.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    I have no information but that terrible bad person should definiteley be shot or killed. I spelled definitely right btw.

    Free Member

    then you could be charged with an offence the same as if you were tooled up in the street for purely self protection reasons. Why not use it only if they attack you rather than because they enter your property?
    Two wrongs dont make a right.

    In reality this is seldom the case. Although it may be in daily mail land. Unless the intruder receives an absolutely disproportionate hiding nobody from the police to the legal system are interested despite what urban myths are out there.

    Free Member

    I’d say getting killed would be classed as a disproportionate hiding.

    Free Member

    yes good point and a fair correction, sorry I was getting carried away there. I was assuming they said they would kill them [ as others suggest] but they did not. They mean to defend themself which they can do. Hit them a few times ok beat them to death not ok.
    Some people think the later is ok the poster I responded to to has not suggested this. Sorry.

    Full Member

    I’ve been down there today covering this story…. don’t know yet what really happened however seeing the police presence, size of the cordon and the fact that no one in the area would talk to us (didn’t want to get involved) there is way more to this than a burglary gone wrong.

    Full Member

    I would shit myself if someone broke into my house in the middle of the night but I think if you break and enter someone elses property than you sign away all and every one of your rights…ergo if you get killed than that’s tough shit. If you’re big enough to try and pull stuff like that than you should be big enough to face the consequences.

    The crux of the matter for me is that you have no idea of somebody’s intention when they arrive. Sure, it is harsh if some guy gets shot dead for trying to nick a laptop in somebody else’s living room. But if you wake up in the middle of the night with strangers in balaclava’s in your house and you comply with them to avoid violence…what if they then rape your wife? Beat your kids?

    I have a lot of sympathy for people who find themselves on a charge for defending themselves in this situation. It’s easy to analyse reasonable force sat at a computer or in a courtroom after the event but it must be terrifying at the time not knowing what is going to happen.

    The moral of the story is don’t break into people’s homes and you don’t risk getting pounded on. I can think of few reasons why you would find yourselves in a strangers house in the middle of the night by accident.

    Free Member

    Can’t say I am sad that some thieving lowlife is now dead. Should be more of I think (dead thieving lowlifes). I am fed up with people thinking they can have whatever they want and that there are no consequences.

    Free Member

    I think we will find out that this may not have been a burglary but some sort of dispute that went wrong. I wouldn’t be surprised if the protagonists knew each other, burglary used as a cover etc. Time will tell!

    Free Member

    It could very well be robbery scaredypants -only people can be robbed and only properties/premises can be burgled. People in a property are robbed when violence is used or threatened in order to steal from them.

    Free Member

    I’d probably shit myself too but I’ve two small children and a wife to protect, I’m probably bigger than the burglar and once the adrenaline kicked in I’d be looking to maim or kill tbh. No apologies for that.

    Free Member

    there are no consequences.

    I know two Consequences. They both seem like reasonable people though and probably don’t believe in idiotic things like capital punishment.

    Good on people that do though… woooh, let’s kill some people who are desperate enough to steal from others, yay, awesome!!!

    Free Member

    So would i DD are you infering thats what i said?
    There is a general misconception that if you slap a burglar you will get locked up etc when it’s quite evidently bollocks. The point I am making (and by the miracle of copy and paste I made that clear) if you give a burglar a good hiding then you will not be treated as if you are “tooled up”

    Free Member

    what if they then rape your wife? Beat your kids?

    well not really a burglary and really really unlikely to happen. i think in these, unlikely, circumstance everyone would use force.

    The moral of the story is don’t break into people’s homes and you don’t risk getting pounded on.

    No one is saying you cannot defend yourself you can. What people are saying is that it is not OK to kill them because they have broken into your house and those who are have not really explained to me why they think this is ok
    burglary = bad , killing = bad, two wrongs dont make a right.

    Free Member

    if you give a burglar a good hiding then you will not be treated as if you are “tooled up”

    it is not that clear. If you grab an object to hand you will probably be ok. if you keep a bat at the side of your bed and use that they may ask why you had it. the extent of the good hiding will also be a [ probably more important]factor.

    Free Member

    I’m not inferring anything surfer. Stop trying to start a fight. Otherwise I may have to take the well rolled up magazine I keep by the side of the bed and give you and that disproportionately cute dog of yours a hiding. 😀

    Free Member

    Surrounded By Zulus – Member

    If they dont go burgling houses then they wont get stabbed while burgling a house. It’s pretty simple really.


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