Oh for gods’ sake CM, really?
The OP was talking about his colleagues, not every person of Indian descent who ever walked the Earth. If you’re going to troll you could at least read the post before you hit the keyboard. But well done, you’ve successfully derailed the thread into pointless bickering. Have a biscuit.
Different cultures have different customs. Westerners shake hands. Europeans kiss friends on the cheek. Brits stick two fingers up at each other, much to the confusion of Americans. A friend of mine worked for a Japanese company for a while and the amount of etiquette he had to learn in order to avoid causing unintentional offence was mind-boggling.
But that’s not to say all Europeans are into cheek-love or that it’s an exclusively European trait. I don’t say ‘sorry’ unless I am, I trained myself out of that ridiculous habit; should I be offended at the lazy stereotype, or vexed that I’m being swept up in a broad generalisation?