I don’t understand the p1ss taking….
Equality’s a good thing isn’t it – or is this 1955?….
Mind you, I hardly feel men are oppressed when “Latest statistics for England show more than 80% of fathers still work full time, rising to almost 85% for dads of very young children.”
Maybe they want to? I don’t know – not a Dad..
Though “Suicide is a predominantly male tragedy (a man takes his life every minute somewhere in the world). Ditto gambling, drug overdoses, rough sleeping or just disappearing. Rape, murder, terrorism, war, people trafficking and domestic violence: all are predominantly masculine disgraces. Wherever you go in the world, men always make up more than 90% of jail populations.”
Is cause for concern..
Shame some can only take the p1ss & not engage in a topic that does have some merits – if only they could be assed to have a bit of a think about it.
Having said all that I don’t know how equipped I am to really comment given:
1. I’m retired.
2. I don’t have any kids.
3. I’m not suicidal – though have been in the past.
4. Not been to prison.
Dig a bit deep & see past your own cynicism guys, there’s a few worthy ideas in that article..
Final note “Then there are our role models: misogynist presidents, groping politicians, narcissistic sports stars, self-satisfied billionaires, airbrushed actors, heroic superheroes, alpha men, all of them. Even the average shape of a man has changed in 20 years: guns, pecs and necks wider than heads in some cases. There is no room for the winsome, the vulnerable, the uncertain.”
Food for thought..