Seeing as how this is a conversation about what I think about Binners ‘beard’ I presume I’m allowed an opinion….
… fact that it…. I’m allowed an opinion…. I don’t like facial hair, its fairly simple. I wouldn’t have started going out with someone who had facial hair and don’t expect to suddenly be faced with it four years down the line.
You can’t ‘just get used to it’ you either like something and find it attractive or your don’t, it prickles it gives me a rash round my mouth and it looks scruffy.
*awaits the usual stream of how dare you, you’re just a woman, woman the **** up rants*
Its simple I don’t like facial hair, I’m allowed an option, and I’m also allowed to voice it, what he does is up to him, he just can’t expect to ever get snogged again….
…. now what’s that ‘toyboy’ dating site called again…..*steps off soap box*