Last night I was messing around on the local jumps when a group or riders showed up. A few said no way would they try the jumps which is fair enough. One gobby bloke was telling them how he has done them before and when they asked him to show them he said he was on the wrong bike, an orange 5. The jumps are pretty much perfect for an orange 5 and most are dh style ski jumps and drops rather than bmx style kickers. I think he lost some credibility with his mates.
The other excuses I commonly hear are from people clipped in not jumping, going down really steep stuff and not being able to wheelie or bunny hop.
I did hold back from trying a few new bigger jumps last night though and my excuse was not wanting to mash myself up before my holiday in a couple of days. It wasn’t the jump that scared me. It would be the wife’s reaction to a ruined holiday.
A lad I have recently started riding with has a bmx background and jump size seems to have no influence on him at all. He just hits whatever he sees and normally tricks it second go. I think I will need to get a few excuses in the bag ready for the coming months when he starts hitting bigger stuff than me as he gets more used to the MTB.
So what excuses do you use or commonly hear when riding?