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- This topic has 131 replies, 63 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by thegreatape.
The black dog
HounsFull Member
Sorry……I’m struggling. I really am struggling.
4 weeks ago the love of my life left me, 3 days later I find she’s in a relationship with another man (that she met for first time 2 days before we split but had been chatting to on FB) and found out this last week that they’re engaged now. I know I’m stupid to believe that this has happened all this quickly, but I know her and yes this is possible.
I blame myself for pushing her away, I struggled to cope with her issues, her kids etc
That’s the brief explanation to why I’m here now, yet again sobbing my heart out.
I love her dearly still, even though she’s lied and cheated I’d take her back. I know this is stupid, I do, but that’s love.
It’s completed messed me up to the point where I am suicidal. I cannot see myself recovering from this, I feel a complete failure and rejected, I’m scared, scared of a future being single and alone. She was amazing and yes not ‘perfect’ on paper for me but she was pretty much everything I’ve ever wanted, I’m scared I will never find anyone ‘better’.
I’m currently receiving home care from the local mental health crisis team, they’re coming out daily at the moment to assess me etc. I’ve not had to stay in yet, but it’s an option if things get worse.
I have often thought about ending it and how I’d go about it (im not that low right now) the notes I’d need to write and my affairs etc. But thankfully I haven’t got the balls to do it.I just need an off switch, to stop all the thoughts I have about her/us/her and him. Everything reminds me of her and the thoughts are constant, I can’t stop them, I’ve lost all mental ability to.
I know it’s just another broken heart story, I’ve been broken hearted before, lied and cheated on and when I’ve found out I’ve been fine, hated them and got over it there and then, however this time it’s different, I can’t ever see myself getting through this I can’t even imagine light being at the end of the tunnel let alone see it.
I know time is the healer, but it’s the amount of time, if ever, I haven’t got the strength to battle through it for however long this will take
So, please, anyone who’s been this low before, who’s been just a couple of steps away from ending it , how did you pull through?
(Just a note, I’m not on my own the moment, I am ‘safe’ and know to contact crisis team if worsen. And sorry to those of you who already know about this, sorry)
eddiebabyFree MemberShit mate. Sorry to hear that. Let me process that and get back to you. In the meantime I can only offer the usual bland stuff. I’ve been going through a lot of crap since the loss of my best mate. Talking on here was a huge help to me, hopefully to you too.
HounsFull MemberThanks.
I opened up on FB a couple of days ago, and that helped greatly, however another slump now and it’d be good to hear if there are any survivors on here
mogrimFull MemberI realise you still think she was “The One”, but viewed from afar anyone who can get engaged in less than 4 weeks is best avoided. Stay strong, someone else will turn up.
thenorthwindFull MemberNot much I can say to help, but hang in there, and know you’re doing the right things at the moment. Hopefully if enough people on here chip in, it’ll add up to something positive for you, and knowing this place, they will. All the best
mogrimFull MemberIs your email in your profile still active?
Don’t say “yes”, he’ll only send you spider photos then it’ll be worse 😀
LazgoatFree MemberShit dude, sound horrible and I can only say to keep safe and there is far more to your life to live for. Have you got any friends or family that can come over to be with you?
GolfChickFree MemberI think when you say you’ve coped before, moved on and its been fine but this time its different and you cant see a way through have you considered that other things in your life are currently building up on you and tainting your view of life and your ability to process things. I’ve had some difficulties lately with work being the start point for it all but it is affecting everything else in my life and my mental spectrum so I wondered if perhaps the same was for you and retrospectively looking back you could identify the other problems around you and perhaps once you narrow down them, this will become easier to cope with?
HounsFull MemberThe only stress that I had was what her kids and other issues she had caused, I struggled to cope which pushed her away and caused this
mildboreFull MemberSorry to hear this mate, it sounds pretty crap for you at the moment. I’ve never been in a situation like yours but have had some very low patches in my life and can relate to how you feel. Whenever I get to the point of wanting to end it I think of how my friends and family would feel, how they would blame themselves and wonder what they should have done, this would stay with them forever. This always makes me pull back because I couldn’t do that to them. Hang in there, it sounds like you have emergency support ready and that you will use it if necessary. Is there anyone who could stay with you, or you could stay with? Good luck or whatever
GolfChickFree Memberso emotionally in the relationship you really wont coping at all. And now what seems to be her problems have yet again caused you to be effected. Can you see that she is the one to blame here and you’re not for how you’re feeling now? Maybe that will take some of the burden of your shoulders, I always blame myself for everything so to know something isn’t my fault is always nice. You already blame yourself by saying that you pushed her away but do you realised she cause you to push her away by asking and expecting you to do too much and take more responsibility than you perhaps needed to?
tazzymtbFull MemberThat is truly shite houns, everyone is different and from what I have learned there is no “correct” way to cope, just whatever works for you. Having said that, if this helps you at all like it got me through, then use the hell out of it. For me it was the the thought that I can always kill myself tomorrow, even when on the verge there was a little bit that just kept plugging away thinking if it gets no better than why not tomorrow, rather than now? For me id almost got the point of being catatonic at times. I think the scariest stage was when I “felt in control” and this whole other logic kicked in when I was coldly considering all the options (I almost derived an odd pride about the fact that I could be so calculated about my end) looking back now that was probably the biggest danger point rather than full emotional state I was in prior to it. The other thing was that I’ve always had this thing about not being a burden on people and no matter whay I could think off it always seemed to be better for my retched pointless shit to continue, than some poor **** have to deal with finding what was left of me, that one thought made me feel even more useless and pathetic, that I couldn’t even kill myself without fking it up and ruining someone elses life, but strangely just about kept me intact.
Long time ago now, and fk me that was hard to write and think about even now, but im so much better, I still have massive bleak periods, but my life is good even when I could see no way forward at the time.
just take one day at a time, everyday you keep going is a little win and with the support you have it will get better, life cam be shit, but its the only game in town.
drop me an email if I can help, even if its just be an impartial ear to listen.
singlespeedstuFull MemberGet your bike out and ride the **** out of it.
If you don’t want to do it on your own email me and I’ll meet up with you and come out with you.vickypeaFree MemberReally sorry to hear you’re having such a bad time. You say you want to know if anyone else has been that low and got through it. Well yes, I’ve plumbed the depths more than once, the first and worst time was when my 1st marriage broke down, I had dreadful post-natal depression that dragged on for well over a year before anyone would help. In short I survived and have survived subsequent dark depressions. I don’t really want to go into details on the internet but If you want to email me, feel free. All the best.
HounsFull MemberThanks Matt
Yes I too have had the calm “in control” periods! Where it comes so matter of fact and you feel almost ready
HounsFull MemberGolfchick, I know you’re right, but there’s that mental block, I forget the negatives and just think of the good things etc, then there’s the heart taking over the brain.
Ssstu I know riding etc will help, I’m not up to it currently due to physical effects and weight loss though loss of appetite.
Thanks for offers of emails etc, I will when can brain a bit
mytiFree MemberYou will get through this and out the other side. It won’t be possible to see this now no matter what anyone says, your deep feelings are telling you otherwise but your brain is lying to you! I have felt similar to you at the end of relationships, hours spent crying in a heap on the floor imagining the future you’ve just lost BUT held on and waited and it wasn’t all that long in the grand scheme of things before I found someone so much better and have ended up happier and more contented with life than I ever could have been with those people I cried over.
singlespeedstuFull MemberSsstu I know riding etc will help, I’m not up to it currently due to physical effects and weight loss though loss of appetite.
We’d be a good match then. I’m fat and slow as **** ATM. Should make a good comedy look with a fat bloke and a thin bloke bimbling along like a pair of useless nobbers. 😀
scaredypantsFull MemberAw, Houns, sounds awful
– and stop with the “sorry”, there’s nothing wrong with being affected by this and there’s nothing wrong with asking for support; you know we love this stuff! 😉
I’ve no great advice to offer but remember, you are one of the good guys. Value yourself accordingly, treat yourself well and take time to heal. Let your family and friends help you
… and see this shit off, however long it takes
I’m a crap listener and borderline tosser but I can type bollocks like this all day long if I need to.
Once you get back home, have you already got people you can call? – whenever? (I mean, it’s always middle of the night when you really need help, right ?)
SandwichFull MemberJust keep on each day and remember “this too shall pass”. In the short term concentrate on the next 5 minutes and fill them. Then the next and so on. Talk here of via email to us. We have a good record at this type of thing. It’s ok to feel like shit because ” this too shall pass” . All the best with coping . Mike
roperFree MemberHouns, I have sent you an email, no spider photos, unless you want some that is.
slowoldgitFree MemberIf you aren’t in a condition to ride, I’m available to walk. You have friends here, and there too.
ernie_lynchFree MemberIt is widely accepted that going through that sort of shit can be worse than the person dying. You will be completely brokenhearted but you will, with time, get over it – that’s the one absolute certainty.
Although I know that now for you time will seem to be standing still – 5 minute appears to be like a lifetime.
All the feelings you are going through are completely classic feelings, including blaming yourself, feeling that you can’t/don’t want to carry on without her, and thinking of her every minute of the day.
There’s really very little anyone can say or do to help but you can help yourself and the healing process by keeping yourself as active a possible, and by changing your routine so that your life is significantly different and you do stuff which isn’t automatically associated with her.
With reference to this :
I find she’s in a relationship with another man (that she met for first time 2 days before we split but had been chatting to on FB) and found out this last week that they’re engaged now.
That ^^ is not the behaviour you would expect from a rational person. One of the feelings you will be experiencing now is that you are not in control of events in your life, it’s a horrible feeling. But get some sort of solace in the thought that she appears to be in a mess herself.
I feel for you, what you are going through is truly shit. But however dim it might appear there is light at the end of the tunnel. You just can’t quite see it yet. It’s very early days.
I forget the negatives and just think of the good things etc
Yep, classic. So get a pen and paper and write a list of all the negatives. That will help you to remember.
HounsFull MemberNo spider photos thanks!
SoG I know, banned from driving at moment.
I am safe, I’m in with parents (not helping with self esteem there!) and have 24/7 crisis support if needed
Thanks for any emails, may not get replies today, as just taken medsHounsFull MemberCheers ernie
Yes she has many many issues which were caused by 20+ years of being with a psychopath (and her children have issues due to him too)
But that’s for another day. Again anyone who doesn’t know me/her/us will say I’m best off out of there, but you can’t help who you loveDezBFree MemberHouns – I can tell you’re the sort of bloke that’ll get through this. I never know what to say to people in trouble – but you asked if anyone had been this low – well I have. In the past few of years I lost my wife, family home I’d worked my life for, my dad, then my job! I also had an injury which stopped me doing sport! Resilience is what it takes. You’ve got it.
Brilliant that your parents are with you cos family is the number one. Listen to em. Believe them when they tell you how much they value you. Stick with it mate.muddydwarfFree MemberBeen there myself, to the point I put a noose around my neck and stepped off the stepladder in the garage.
Of course, the ratty old top broke and I sat on the garage floor and cried.
Don’t think too far ahead, get through one day at a time. Read books, watch films, things that take you out of yourself and into a fantasy world for a little time. Ride your bike when you are ready, not before.
It does get better honestly, 8yrs on and I’m far happier with a good woman than I ever was with the one who walked out for another bloke.
Allow yourself to grieve, then set some personal goals – small at first, and you’ll find each achievement brings you a little more peace.mogrimFull MemberI’ve been perhaps unnecessarily facetious in previous posts – please take them as they were meant, in good humour! I know what it’s like to have the black dog riding your back, and the main thing I’d add is that it’s not forever – despite what you may feel right now things will get better. I can’t offer a great deal of real help from Madrid, but if you’re ever around I’d be happy to get you a beer…
And I’m not the first person on this thread to offer you a beer, so whatever you might be feeling right now you’re obviously not that much of a **** 🙂
HounsFull MemberCrying more now thanks to you all, but they are ‘good’ tears, thank you
Dezb and muddy wish could give you both a hug
JamieFree MemberIf it helps any, I always think of this song when I hear your name, Houns.
roperFree MemberThere is depression and then there is Bette Midler. Where will the pain end?
ocriderFull MemberJust remember that in the long term you’ll be so much better off without the baggage that is a woman who will rebound in 48 hours. You dodged the bullet!
10 months after the mother of my eldest walked out of my life, she had another kid. My life has only improved since she has been out of the picture (fortunately my boy is a smart lad, but that’s a whole other story 😉 )SaxonRiderFree MemberHey houns, it’s good you posted on here. This is when the STW gang is at its best. But because they are, there’s nothing much I can say except that I sympathise deeply. Very best wishes, and don’t forget that some of us on here have been where you are (in one way or another) and will be there if you need to talk.
EDIT: Just re-visited the mugshots thread. You’re a handsome chap; you should have no trouble meeting someone new!
jambalayaFree MemberTough times OP, on here we often like to try and kick 10 bags of sh.t out of each other but when it comes to things like this we are a real community ready to help as we can. Feel free to share anything anytime. From what you say things weren’t right for you and the fact she’s hooked up with someone else so quickly would say to me she wasn’t willing to fight for you. As such and as difficult as the situation is it doesn’t look like it was supposed to be.
HounsFull MemberJamie 😯
I know I keep saying it, but thank you. When I can be a bit more coherent I shall write more, but I am reading and taking your help in
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