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  • the big bang and crocodiles
  • elaineanne
    Free Member

    so crocodiles were around at the time of dinosaurs but in slight different forms, most of which were plant eaters and had evolved over the years,,,…but how the hell did they survive the big bang which wiped out the dinosaurs…..

    Full Member

    The mass extinction of the dinosaurs didn’t happen over night, it took around 40,000 years. And there’s no anomaly with crocodiles, everything alive today has ancestry that predates the dinosaurs

    Full Member

    What an excellent thread topic.

    The short answer is that the big bang (meteroite hit – and folk don’t even know if it really did cause the demise of the dinosaurs) didn’t kill off all the dinosaurs – or at least shared ancesters. Some hung on and evolved into some of today’s reptiles and birds.

    Have a squint here – http://www.truthinscience.org.uk/tis2/index.php/component/content/article/231.html

    Free Member

    Fill your boots

    have a read here – clicky

    Free Member

    Crocodiles aren’t the only reptiles who have survived more or less the same since great asteroid strike, the tuatara is another example. And there are plenty of non-reptilian examples such as ants.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Possibly because they are/were amphibious and so could exploit both land and water when things were hard? They were already “mature” in their evolution and so better able to absorb change?

    The earth is only 6,000 years old, there is no geological change in the planet and there weren’t any dinosaurs. Jesus buried the bones,the real reason god sent him to earth.

    Free Member

    And TJ. Didn’t he beat the velosiraptors into extinction through the power of reasoned argument and become the dominant force?

    Free Member

    Anything that hid in the bath survived. Crocs always took their personal hygiene seriously and so had baths nearby.

    Dinosaurs were dirty fleckers.

    Free Member

    the big bang

    Thought you meant the big bang for a second there.

    Free Member

    mrs deadly looks back with rueful fondness when anyone mentions the big bang.

    Full Member

    troll and I fell for it!

    Free Member

    yikes a Trogen’ ahead !!!!…… but its 10,000 years away apparently..lol
    thats ok then, me n my bike will be god dam laid to rest long b4 it strikes then…phew lol

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