• This topic has 884 replies, 162 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by jimw.
Viewing 5 posts - 881 through 885 (of 885 total)
  • The All Night Election Results Thread
  • ernie_lynch
    Free Member

    After a quick halfhearted google news search I can see no evidence of these mysterious protests, they don’t appear to have spread much beyond edward2000’s library.

    It’s unlikely that 33.9% of the electorate managed to fit in edward2000’s local library so I wouldn’t attach too much importance to his anecdotal evidence.

    Full Member

    because they all did what Russell Brand told them, and didn’t register to vote because democracy was a sham and they wanted to join the revolution… Unfortunatley when he thrn changed his mind and told them to vote for Ed it was too late for them to register

    Surely the fact that they listened to that cockwomble should mean they are unfit to vote anyhoo?

    Free Member

    Seems an age now since the results – palpable sense of relief in London Town yesterday that we have avoided very messy horse trading. Now to see how Dave gets on implementing or ducking what is really required. A tougher five years ahead despite his majority. It will be interesting if he can create an actual vision – the world lacks statesman at the moment and he still falls short. Still hats off to him and Nicola.

    Still a quite remarkable result. Funny how we let ourselves be swayed by opinion polls. Hopefully the media driven stories will be put back in their boxes, but I doubt it. Headlines, headlines…

    Free Member

    Clegg, Miliband and Farage are already claiming benefits

    Free Member

    Clegg, Miliband and Farage are already claiming benefits

    No, Ed and Nick are drawing their £67,060 MP’s salary, and Nige is drawing approx. £78000 as an MEP.

Viewing 5 posts - 881 through 885 (of 885 total)

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