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  • This topic has 24 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Drac.
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  • The 1991 Snow
  • skidartist
    Free Member

    Lots of talk of the current ‘Snow Event’ being bigger/more/worstest since 1991. Who remember the 1991 show? It was a cracker.

    I lived in central Brum and it was before New St was pedestrianised so we were used to 4 lanes of thundering traffic speeding down the main shopping street. Instead it was foot deep and silent, we went down to the rag market which had been abandoned and picked up some apple crates and used them to set up a stall try and sell finely crafted snowballs to anyone else brave enough to venture down there.

    My girlfriend-of-the-time’s dad was one of the truck drivers stuck on the M6 for days on end. And a bunch if my fellow students were amongst the 100s of people snowed into the the ‘Clothes Show Live’ at the NEC over night. One had to share a bench with Jazzy B.

    Free Member

    I dont remember this much snow in London since I was kid!

    Free Member

    I was 15 at boarding school.

    Massive snowball fight out on college pitches – imagine 300 kids, armed to the teeth. Towels wrapped round your neck and tucked into coat collars to prevent getting “filled” 🙂 I think I even went out in my hockey keeper’s helmet because I was a super-wuss 🙂

    Free Member

    less than an inch in central reading, yet the office is completely empty, southern shandy drinking layabouts!

    Free Member

    the ’91 snow – pah! you should be talking about the snows in ’76 now that was proper snow.

    Free Member

    snow in 81 in the shires (Glos, Worcs) was fantastic. 12ft drifts on the hill, dad delivering mum’s hot soup to the village biddies by tractor…

    Free Member

    I grew up in St Helens – snow of any significance – especially snow that was still lying after 11am – was something I only ever saw on the news. 1991 was my first chance to experience proper deep stuff.

    Full Member

    91,i went off to st albans boxing.its started snowing on the way.when i left 3 hours later there was deep snow everywhere and gridlock in st albans.
    why oh why cant people driving in a bit of snow

    Full Member

    91,i went off to st albans boxing.its started snowing on the way.when i left 3 hours later there was deep snow everywhere and gridlock in st albans.
    why oh why cant people driving in a bit of snow

    Full Member

    1991 year I had my hip op, my parents borrowed a friends 4×4 to battle through the drifts to visit me.

    We’ve had just as much since then around here.

    Free Member

    I grew up just outside of St Helens too 🙂 I think 81 or 82 was the best snow I’ve seen, and I was bearly old enough to remember (either 0.5 or 1.5 years old) – I dont remember much other than being taken into the full size igloo my brothers had built in the front garden. And then again in 86 I think, when we had a good few feet.

    School still ran. People still went to work. Not sure what’s different these days.

    Free Member

    Don’t have many memories of ’91 being really bad. Early 80s was worse, seem to remember 10/12ft drifts. That was when I bought my first Land Rover, haven’t been without one since. Now, ’63… that was a bad’un.

    Free Member

    Ahh but these extreme winters are a sign of global warming don’t ya know…. 😀

    Full Member

    early 80’s in enfield we had stoopid deep snow maybe 5ft drifts in the playing fields next to kingsmead school.was hilarious and made a 8ft snowman

    Free Member

    I remember ’91. Snow drifts that had completely filled in footpaths edged by two dry stone walls, so we dug tunnels through the middle.

    Full Member

    I was at Brun Uni 91. It was deep deep snow, over knees stuff.

    Free Member

    In 82/83 (or was it 81/82) I was about 7 and I was up to my chest in snow in Herefordshire. My mum needed something from the local shop (1/2 mile away) so she wrapped us all up to walk out there but we had to turn back at the end of the road because it was snowing too hard. Couldn’t see, could hardly walk.

    People were sledging and skiing down the main street into town. Great 🙂

    Full Member

    The 87 snows in Suffolk were good as the A14/45 filled just outside Felixstowe. Snow ploughs working 24 hours to keep the road open for a week. When I finally got to escape the snow was taller then the container wagons on the road. Temperatures were crisp too at -15 with windchill. Nightshifts were cold with internal temperatures of -5!

    Full Member

    Late 70s and early 80s our village was cut off a couple of times by 6 foot deep snow drifts – and it was on two main A roads just outside Peterborough.

    I have absolutely no recollection of any major snow in 91 though!

    Full Member

    No,no,no,no,no,no…that was the big frost.
    1981 was pretty bad.
    The big snow was in 1947.

    Apparently it was so deep our ancestors had dug tunnels connecting all the houses. It even covered the upstairs windows in some parts.

    I once rented a room off an old chap called Bill. He remembered the great snow of 47′. When questioned on these tunnels he replied…”Load of bollocks”.

    Full Member

    Yep, early 80s snow was where it was at.

    My best friend’s dad camne home from having been out for a run. He was running along the road (as he thought), when he realised he was running ove cars that had been abandoned!

    Full Member

    Through the 80s we had tonnes of the stuff every winter and schools closed regular but then a lot of kids and teachers came in from rural areas so they couldn’t get and often the heating packed in.

    Full Member

    i remember the appeals put out on local radio for 4×4 drivers to take food to stranded motorists on the M5/M42

    not a patch on the big freeze a few years ago, no gritters, took 3 hours to do a 35 minute journey and many people slept in their cars/offices because of the total gridlock around Brum

    Full Member

    ourmaninthenorth – Member
    Yep, early 80s snow was where it was at.

    My best friend’s dad camne home from having been out for a run. He was running along the road (as he thought), when he realised he was running ove cars that had been abandoned!

    Absolute bolllocks.

    Full Member

    My best friend’s dad camne home from having been out for a run. He was running along the road (as he thought), when he realised he was running ove cars that had been abandoned!

    And you still believe that?

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