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  • That’s my bike that is…
  • BillyBull
    Free Member

    http://www.passportesdusoleil.com my bottom half pushing the silver shyte 46 just after massage shot. Last year I was sure it was a shot of my bike on the ski lift. Royalties?

    Free Member

    Hmm, unless you are clearly identifiable from the image, then I doubt it. If a pic of you, where you are easily identifiable, in a public place, was used for commercial purposes, then you might have a claim for ‘modeling fees’. IE, if a company used a pic where you are walking along a path, and everyone can clearly see it’s you, as distinguishable from any other individual, then you’d have a claim. If you were in a crowd with lots of others, probably no chance. You’d have to be in a position to prove your individual identity was used to sell whatever product or service, without your express permission. But the small print in the terms and conditions of the place you were in, if any, might put the kybosh on that. it’s a very murky area. And if you were on private land, then that gets a whole load trickier.

    In Britain, anyway. I understand this is in France?

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Was joking about royalties as I hope you are!

    Free Member


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