Home Forums Bike Forum That time of year is coming again – what's hot in the lighting world?

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  • That time of year is coming again – what's hot in the lighting world?
  • I know Troute are an option and I’ve had some XML’s and Chinese cheapies before with mixed results.

    What’s looking like a hot contender this year in the bargain market and also the higher end stuff?

    Free Member

    im after something powerful enough to shrivel a 29r down to a 650b

    Free Member

    With regards to LED’s nothing has really moved on from XML’s. So most Chinese and high end lights will still be running these.

    Free Member

    im after something powerful enough to shrivel a 29r down to a 650b

    You’ll want one of these then:

    Over 7000 lumens with an aspheric spot for good throw.

    Free Member

    I will be mostly in the market for a Chinese bargain that works well on the roads.

    Full Member

    I’ll be sticking with the MJ-872s, haven’t seen an affordable light that’s notably better- we seem to be in an XML spotlighty culdesac of variable beam quality. I think the quality end of the market reached a point where they’re genuinely strong performers, not just cheap.

    Free Member

    Winter before last I splashed out on a pair of Exposure Diablos. One for me and ‘one for the mrs’. Two up they were awesome. A very versatile light. Nice to carry for trail running as well.

    Then I somehow lost one while trail running. Or i left it on my bin when unlocking the door and someone pinched it….Either way, cannot afford to replace right now, so looking for a cheapo chines option…

    Full Member

    Gloworm lights are having a sale, and are stupidly good (bright and a really well spread beam) without breaking the bank (& are tiny). That said, if there having a sale, it’s normally because they’ve a new better setup coming out 😈
    Solarstorm X2 seems to be holding it own (with suspect batteries & chargers a plenty), otherwise ppl are just putting as many XML LED’s into one headunit as possible.

    Eskay.. really? Try a SSX2 and get with the program 😉

    Free Member

    WTF is that steve!

    Free Member

    Just picked up a new four4th light today, I live local so I was able to pop in to their base and pick one up. They were incredibly helpful, talking me through the possible options and what I needed the light for. As for its brightness, it will easily melt retinas I reckon 🙂

    I got one of their rear lights four4th scorpion for my road bike, and it is the only light I have ever had motorists stopping me and asking for the make so they could get one, it was that bright and well made!

    They are not as cheap as the Chinese/ ebay specials, but when it comes to lights I decided to go for quality.

    Free Member

    Smudge all the way, real service from a real person…


    Full Member

    Four4th is where I would spend my cash I was after a beautifully made quality light. Also great event back-up. In the world of scrimp, a SSX2 head unit with a torchy or mtbbatteries battery would be fine.

    Full Member

    The C and B Seen lights are probably the best of the Chinese lights.

    The quality of the reflectors in the Solarstorm is pretty shoddy and the battery is almost always crap.

    For a little bit more the C and B Seen light gives a better beam pattern and the battery seems to be a lot better. The lights themselves are a bit bulkier though.

    Free Member

    WTF is that steve!

    One I made…7 x XML2 running at 3a. The 2 side pods are adjustable so I can angle the beam to get the light where I want it. The centre optic projects the light as a very tight beam which gives a great throw for distance..
    Not the prettiest or lightest out there but, by jingo, it’s good 😯

    Full Member

    Are there any cheap Chinese jobbies that are small like the Gloworm X1 or MTB Batteries Lumen800? I can’t justify another expensive light but want a helmet light to go with my Lumenator.

    Full Member

    Fathomer – I’ve got a torchy bk500. Small and self contained and works well on the head with an SSX2 on the bars, or by itself on bars on the road. Only 500lumens, but they appear to be good ones and definitely punch well into the SSX2 beam.

    Full Member

    I’ve posted this a couple of times in the last few weeks, but will post it again. Merlin are doing the Moon xp1500 for £100 down from £275.
    It’s a seriously good light for the money. Bright, well made and with decent mounts. It comes with a bar and helmet mount, as well as an extension lead. I think the head unit is on the limit of weight for helmet mounting, but that’s how I used it at the 24/12 and it was fine.

    Run time is 2.5hrs on max or 3.5hrs one setting down. Only annoying thing is you have to cycle through off, to get back to the top of the power settings…

    I’ve taken some pics of it and if it doesn’t pee it down later, I will take some beam pics and compare it to my several years old spokeshirts light…

    Full Member

    Fathomer, this is the solarstorm x2 so a great size for your helmet, the gloworm x2 is smaller & there is the Chinese ‘yinding’ unit that similar to that

    edit: sorry you asking about the x1.. Yes there are similar unit available but I haven’t seen one in the flesh

    Full Member

    Solar storm X2 (xm-l2) here with a homemade battery. 4x Panasonic NCR18650b 3400mah cells, lasts for hours. 2x ultrafire wf501b xm-l2 torches on head with same batteries. A lot of light for not much money. Built two sets of these for me and wife with spare batteries for £116 last year, see no need to upgrade this year (unless batteries have improved again). Lightmalls for the lights, fasttech for the batteries.

    Free Member

    snownrock – Member
    Solar storm X2 (xm-l2) here with a homemade battery. 4x Panasonic NCR18650b 3400mah cells, lasts for hours. 2x ultrafire wf501b xm-l2 torches on head with same batteries. A lot of light for not much money. Built two sets of these for me and wife with spare batteries for £116 last year, see no need to upgrade this year (unless batteries have improved again). Lightmalls for the lights, fasttech for the batteries.


    Where did you get the 18650 from SR?

    I’m after some for my solar storm battery box, that are genuine

    Full Member

    I’ve been waiting on a Solarstorm X2 from DX since the start of June, so I’ll get one from somewhere else when the paypal dispute runs it’s course!

    Full Member

    What’s a good self contained in it? Like an Exposure but a lot cheaper.
    My commute is off road and my first world problem is mounting the battery, then winding the cords around the frame and putting on the head unit.
    A clip on and off you go light with lots of power would make my day. If it used rechargeable 18650s it would make my year.

    Full Member

    +1 for Smudge

    The Lumenator/D800 combo is fantastic.

    Full Member

    Really happy with my C&BSeen light. It’s been used every week since December for at least a couple of hours (even in summer).

    Full Member

    Here’s some pics of the Moon XP-1500:


    Bits and pieces:

    also comes with extension cord, helmet mount and charger not shown

    Head Unit:

    Light output on Full:

    Spokeshirts single XPG for comparison (same as original black/silver ‘Bastid’ DX light:

    Full Member

    Where did you get the 18650 from SR?

    I’m after some for my solar storm battery box, that are genuine

    I got my batteries from fasttech. Genuine and fast delivery, if you’re worried about genuine torchy has them on eBay, lot more expensive though.

    Full Member

    TBH the lights are getting silly now.
    Having started with a set of Ayups (yes I didn’t start with the single candle power ones), now moved on to a Gloworm X1 on the head and an X2 on the bars, it hardly feels like night riding now.
    Personally I would buy the same again though, they have massive run time and give more than enough light. Plenty enough for high speed runs on the downhill runs at chicksands in the dark

    Can’t wait until darkness again

    Free Member

    Another endorsement for four4th here… really superb quality, locally made and top bunch of guys to deal with.

    Free Member

    I think the light heads are about as good as they’re going to get. It’s the battery packs which need to improve. The only thing to be wary of is that Royal Mail might bin your Chinese 18650 order.

    Free Member

    I’m still using a two torch set-up – an XML-U3 C8 on the bars and an XM-L2 501b on my lid… £22 for the both.

    Each year I get tempted to ‘upgrade’ a light or two – from XPG to XML-T6 an now to XM-L2. At about £9 for a new 501b it’s very easy to be tempted. Not sure about this winter, though, as there doesn’t appear to be a new ‘better’ LED on offer… and to be honest I’m pretty happy with what I have. Maybe there’ll be a higher bin of XM-L2 out soon?

    Free Member

    Is there anything out there that can rival a joystick for packaging and better it on output and battery life? Love my exposures but they are getting a bit long in the tooth now.

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    I_Ache – Member

    Is there anything out there that can rival a joystick for packaging and better it on output and battery life? Love my exposures but they are getting a bit long in the tooth now.

    If it’s an older one then there’s a ton of torches that’ll outbright and outburn it (and, obviously, have changable batteries). But tend to be a little bulkier and heavier. If you’re at all lucky, it’ll fit in your joystick mount

    Free Member

    Ive got a Four4th holy moses on the bars and a hope r4 as a head torch. Both are similar quality and great light output

    Free Member

    Hope you don’t mind me jumping in on this.

    Can someone point me in the direction of a cheap light setup for nightriding? Bar light and helmet light. I have no kit whatsoever and I’m a little unsure if these Chinese lights come with chargers mount etc. links would be great

    Don’t want to spend loads as I’m not sure I’ll even like it

    Thanks in advance!

    Free Member

    I’ve two Exposure lights, a Joystick and a Strada and both old. Like many I’m now after an equivalent to Exposure but cheaper (don’t earn the cash I use to do).

    Is the standard Chinese light and separate battery for £40ish the cheapest/bestest way to go for a new bar light?

    And what about a all-in-one for the helmet?

    Free Member

    Yes, also looking for a bright, self contained unit. Whether on the bars or my helmet the battery packs+cables are starting to annouy me.

    Full Member

    Just a heads up for people on a good Solarstorm X2 setup:

    SSX2 – only $12.99 For the head unit only, this is the best XM-L2 version also

    I find its best to buy the unit without the battery as the ones supplied are generally rubbish. Instead ‘build’ your own battery, it’s easy.

    Battery case $13.98

    And just pop in 4 of these Batteries £12.01 per pair – These are about the best you can buy and will give you a 6800mAh (ACTUAL) battery, not the 3500mAh at best that you get with these lights normally. Buy these protected cells as an extra precaution to prevent over discharge. It helps if you have an individual 18650 charger to charge the cells fully individually first to balance them

    A standard Magicshine/Clone charger will work with this case.

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