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  • That adenoidal nasally 'geek' voice
  • meikle_partans
    Free Member

    You know the voice I mean, mr jeremy clarkson sometimes takes the piss out of it. why is this voice so specifically associated with being the voice of the techy nerd/hobbyist/thai bride marrier? i have even met one in real life and he did tick all the stereotypical boxes. i laboured under the misperception that it was an accent for quite a while and assumed that there is a strange part of england that all these uberhobbyist men come from, but obviously i am wrong. anyone care to shed any light on the matter?

    Free Member

    this is what i mean

    im very sorry for inflicting more clarkson on this forum

    Full Member

    The other day I was in a local computer supplies wholesaler and this lad was served after me who had the adenoidal voice, as I left I noticed a Micra outside with Rent a Nerd Computers[/url] on it, yep 30 seconds later Mr Adenoids came out and got in the Micra. Some stereotypes exist.

    Free Member

    Rent a Nerd Computers

    on the upside they do get to roll around with a partially clad Mariah Carey:

    Full Member

    I think Peter Cook started it, and he was mimicing a characteristic voice that certain schizophrenics have.

    Full Member

    A chap on the same corridor as me in college when I was at university had exactly that. He wore a beige "wind-cheater" jacket, and beige trousers. And was obsessed with volcanology.

    Oh, and was evidently a sociopath.

    Free Member

    what bigjohn said was very interesting and it does seem to be (from a very brief web search) that schizophrenics may have a voice that sounds very much like this, in the way that their voice is very flat and unemotional and also possibly due to some kind of physical difference that goes along with schizophrenia.

    the geek voice really does seem to be a stereotype that is in some degree accurate. maybe it is to do with an autistic spectrum type lack of emotion in speech patterns.

    anyway i realise that i am treading on dodgy ground here.

    Free Member

    perhaps it's the other way round – if you have an annoying voice everyone makes fun of you so you become withdrawn and obsessed with machines and killing people ?

    Free Member

    oddly enough, but it's exactly the voice I imagine sfb having.

    Free Member

    It's happening again. Nerds are not geeks.

    I'm a geek and proud of it. Geeks are useful, intelligent (natch), usually succesful (still working on this one), hits with the girls due to the above (not sure what's happened there), dress and talk like normal people and make the world go round. None of you would be talking on this forum without geeks.

    Nerds are social outcasts, odd, generally not that bright, exhibit strange obsessions and behaviours and do not have the drive and focus to make use of any useful skills they might possess.

    And yes, I accept the irony in being anal about the differences in the two words.

    Full Member

    None of you would be talking on this forum without geeks.

    Nerds are social outcasts, odd, generally not that bright, exhibit strange obsessions and behaviours and do not have the drive and focus to make use of any useful skills they might possess.

    from that can I assume that geeks are running this forum purely for the benefit of Nerds then.

    Which might mean that samuri has a foot in both camps?

    Free Member

    traditionally, in amerikan carnival history, geeks are the ones they keep to bite the heads off chickens

    Free Member

    bassspine – I never thought of myself as a geek before you told me that!

    Free Member

    Also, is this not similar to gays being 'camp'?

    Not all gays are camp but the camp ones stand out and are noticed. Perhaps there are a large number of Nerds out there who go unrecognised because of their 'normal' voices?

    Free Member
    Full Member

    I would consider myself something of a geek, 'cos of my interests in all sorts of stuff that has an 'ology' on the end of it, and I dress reasonably normally, (for a mountain biker), and I have social interactions with actual people, including women, and I spend a lot of time on here…
    …oh. 😉

    Free Member

    I'm a geek and proud of it. I wear glasses and everything.

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