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  • Thank you Ma'am
  • scotroutes
    Full Member

    If he felt that bad about it he could, you know, abdicate and go get a proper job.

    Free Member

    Every hole’s a goal.

    It does surprise me that Prince Phillip went to his sisters funeral though. Highly unusual.

    Full Member

    thestabiliser fancies the quee-een!! the stabliser fancies the quee-een!!
    I thought it was just GrahamS…

    Actually I do think she looks pretty fine in that photo of her younger self.

    Proper posh scrumpet 😀

    Free Member

    Steady on!!

    Free Member

    So whats the actual point in posting the same stupid pic twice on one page? Did you not get the correct response first time. Nothing more sinister than kids running round dressed as cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians at the time. I bet if we pulled out pics of most people from that age something they were doing would look wrong today.

    Full Member

    Not that photo of her younger self JHJ 😀

    Meanwhile, here’s the England football squad respectfully performing nazi salutes during the German national anthem in a game against Germany in Berlin in 1938.

    Funny how different things look with hindsight eh?

    Makes you think though.

    Free Member

    I don’t think many people hate them, just their position

    She is trapped in the role, and she has performed it well , but there is no place for this role in a modern democracy

    Again I have no time for the queen* but to portray her as a Nazi sympathisers is something only JHJ will find credible.

    * i am a card carrying member of republic
    thanks aracer and toys it works great

    Free Member

    Junkyard – lazarus
    She is trapped in the role

    She really isn’t.

    Free Member

    She can abdicate but she was born in to the role and she had less choice in her own destiny than you or I do ;her role was pre ordained from birth [ ok a bit later in her case].

    Trapped may be overstating it but you get the point.
    thanks aracer and toys it works great

    Full Member

    thanks aracer and toys it works great

    Full Member

    I was assuming Junkyard couldn’t see that little addition to his posts. 😆

    Free Member

    To be fair, the Nazi salute does seem to have been quite prevalent…

    Free Member

    Trapped may be overstating it but you get the point.

    She has the option to quit, like her Uncle, but she’s been conditioned from an early age to think it’s not really an option.

    Full Member

    She has the option to quit, like her Uncle, but she’s been conditioned from an early age to think it’s not really an option.

    We have all been conditioned to lead a certain life from an early age, school -work -retire -die, most of us do so without the trappings of incredible wealth and choices available to the queen.

    Full Member

    Maybe she’s just trying to protect her son from having to do a job she knows he’ll hate?

    Free Member

    they did a file blocker thing and you can add a signature

    they like the show of respect even if you dont

    Well done JHJ you found Nazis and folk pretending to be Nazis in Nazi germany
    thanks aracer and toys it works great and annoys wwaswas

    Free Member

    school -work -retire -die

    That’s what we’ve had tattooed on our two

    Free Member

    and just in case we haven’t done enough thinking

    Free Member

    With the talk of a Republic it’s worth noting when the Australians had a vote it was conclusively in favour of retaining the Queen as head of state.

    Republicans are most likely in the majority in Australia, but (IIRC) the vote was split because they couldn’t agree on what to replace the monarch with.

    Full Member

    Couldn’t you just put ‘DrP’ like everyone else with a signature?

    Free Member

    NO NO And NO
    Jam said it was resounding and he will be back in a minute to tell us how right he was and still is.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – lazarus
    She can abdicate but she was born in to the role and she had less choice in her own destiny than you or I do ;her role was pre ordained from birth [ ok a bit later in her case].

    Trapped may be overstating it but you get the point.

    I really don’t! 😆

    Free Member

    ransos – Member
    With the talk of a Republic it’s worth noting when the Australians had a vote it was conclusively in favour of retaining the Queen as head of state.
    Republicans are most likely in the majority in Australia, but (IIRC) the vote was split because they couldn’t agree on what to replace the monarch with.

    There’s not really anything to replace though, just take away the pomp. You really don’t need to replace that with anything.

    Personally, I’ve nothing against the royals as individuals, but their time is well up.

    Free Member

    Its ok I have amended it
    wwaswas bullied me into having no signature 😥

    Free Member

    I really don’t!

    JHJ picture based posts are what you need then 😉
    wwaswas bullied me into having no signature 😥

    Free Member

    Junkyard – lazarus
    I really don’t!

    JHJ picture based posts are what you need then

    don’t really think it’s don’t get, rather I don’t accept the point! 😀

    Full Member

    There’s not really anything to replace though, just take away the pomp.

    And make the world just that little bit duller. 🙁

    Do you reckon any of those crowds and pipe bands would have shown up to watch the borders railway being officially opened by someone from Scotrail middle management?

    Free Member

    Do you reckon any of those crowds and pipe bands would have shown up to watch the borders railway being officially opened by someone from Scotrail middle management?

    Yes, the Queen or a Scotrail manager are definitely the only two options available. That’s the trouble with you royalists – no imagination.

    Full Member

    wwaswas bullied me into having no signature

    Now I feel sad.

    Full Member

    Yes, the Queen or a Scotrail manager are definitely the only two options available. That’s the trouble with you royalists – no imagination.

    Well I suppose they could just wheel out whichever C-list Scottish celebrity was available. The Festival has just finished so they might have found some still hanging about in the bars.

    “Ladies and Gentleman, please put your hands together for that guy who appeared in episode 11 of Still Game…”


    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member
    There’s not really anything to replace though, just take away the pomp.
    And make the world just that little bit duller.

    Do you reckon any of those crowds and pipe bands would have shown up to watch the borders railway being officially opened by someone from Scotrail middle management?I reckon you’re clearly at the wind up.

    Although, if not, you and me have polar opposite definitions of the word dull. 😆

    Full Member

    GrahamS – Member

    Do you reckon any of those crowds and pipe bands would have shown up to watch the borders railway being officially opened by someone from Scotrail middle management?

    I think the pipe bands will play the opening of a corner shop, as long as they get paid, tbh.

    Thousands of people turned up in Edinburgh to see J-Lo not leave a hotel all day, it’s hard to say to what extent people show up because they love the queen, and to what extent it’s just a free show and a celebrity and a cool train, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    We have all been conditioned to lead a certain life from an early age, school -work -retire -die, most of us do so without the trappings of incredible wealth and choices available to the queen.

    Oh, absolutely, I’m not suggesting that she’s hard done by 🙂

    Full Member

    My world would be in turmoil if when railways & buildings etc were finished they were, you know, just used!

    You do have to wonder about the mental state of people who enjoy standing around waiting for someone, anyone, to officially ‘open’ things.

    Full Member

    Thousands of people turned up in Edinburgh to see J-Lo not leave a hotel all day,

    Are we now arguing that J-Lo is more deserving of public adoration than the Queen?

    My world would be in turmoil if when railways & buildings etc were finished they were, you know, just used!

    Maybe some people like a bit of recognition when they complete something that they have worked on for years which improves the lives of the local community?

    I expect when the new Forth crossing is opened there will be a bit of a celebration too – maybe another royal appearance – would you really rather it just opened one day and no one mentioned it?

    Free Member

    Do official openings ever prevent real world use of functional infrastructure?

    Say for example the Queen had a busy schedule and couldn’t attend for 3 months after something had become operational…

    Would there be 3 months downtime, with staff and utilities being paid, whilst the facility remained dormant to the public?

    Full Member

    GrahamS – Member

    Are we now arguing that J-Lo is more deserving of public adoration than the Queen?

    Nope, and I’ve no idea why you’d think that either. TBH, I doubt you do.

    Full Member

    Compared with Boris I reckon The Queen’s been good value for money of late;

    Boris Johnson’s Mayoralty has cost London taxpayers at least £600million of wasted money because of poor decisions, ideological dogma and vanity schemes.


    Free Member

    There’s not really anything to replace though, just take away the pomp. You really don’t need to replace that with anything.

    Apparently people seem to like the idea of having someone wandering around, kissing babies, sending telegrams to grannies and standing next to foreigners while another terrible brass band marches past. I don’t have a particular objection to that – there’s just not need for people to be born into it, wearing gold hats with diamonds and living in palaces.

    Our monarchist friend mentioned Australia. What happens there could easily happen here: on a practical basis the Governor General (chosen by the government of the day, formally appointed d by the Queen) does all hand waving duties. They have no real powers and switch around every few years. People seem to like them. I doubt there is a shortage of volunteers. There is no reason why the same system could not be done in the UK.

    Personally, I’ve nothing against the royals as individuals, but their time is well up.

    It’s impossible to say anything against the queen personally because she has never said or done anything that is in the slightest bit illustrative of her character or intellect, despite having many opportunities to do so. She is a walking cloud of fog.

    Full Member

    GrahamS – Member
    …I expect when the new Forth crossing is opened there will be a bit of a celebration too – maybe another royal appearance – would you really rather it just opened one day and no one mentioned it?

    I don’t understand why anyone would GAF about “opening” it. Give a party for the people involved, fair enough, but just remove the barricades and let the traffic commence.

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