Home Forums Bike Forum Tell me everything there is to know about fork servicing..

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  • Tell me everything there is to know about fork servicing..
  • RealMan
    Free Member

    Got a pair of Rockshox Revelation 426 Maxle Lite U-Turn with PushLock, which have just turned a year old.

    I think they're worth a good full service before I take them with me to Uni, and I'm kinda injured at the moment so I'm off the bike for a few weeks anyway.

    Is it worth sending them off? If so, where?

    Or is it worth doing it myself? Do I need any special tools/oil/other bits etc. etc.?

    Free Member

    It's very easy. You need some circlip pliers.

    Free Member

    For a full service, three seal kits:
    oil/dust seals
    Damper seal kit
    Spring side kit.
    5wt oil
    15wt oil

    Give me a shout for parts 😉

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