Pretty much it’s a Web terminal
Cloud storage of all data
Google app suite is best but Microsoft 365 works I guess.
Printing MUST be via a print server, it either a pc or Mac with chrome running, or more sensibly a Google print ready printer (can be got for <£40) where you use Google servers as print servers.
Chrome books will not host any 3rd party software. Nor will it host hardware drivers other than basic HID (mouse, webcam, mic etc) or USB storage.
If your hardware can’t look after itself with its own Web connection (poss via phone Bluetooth for example) and a Web based app it’s not going to work.
Garmin are a bit shit and 20th century but you can just about get their latest hardware to work with a phone as the Web link. The idiots require a client app install to get Garmin to connect to a WiFi AP ffs! Its like the Internet never happened for them.
I have 4x chromebook and a chromebook and run two companies wholly within the chromebook /Google/android environment and it’s fantastic.
I haven’t really touched on all the best bits but there’s plenty of good sites out there covering it