Quick thanks to everyone for their suggestions and a report back. I only managed to squeeze an hour of play in today but it was well worth the effort.
What I can say is that now I know what to look for I was already turning my hips into the turn but only to initiate it. I was then letting the bike come under me and the bike was then getting upright again, possibly due to the braking as well. Sticking my arse out helped me keep the weight on the outside foot and the looking to the exit helped keep it there.
Being a bit of a muppet I also went out with the idea of trying to do a corner faster and faster but I just tired myself out until the wise words from here (maxtorque) came wafting back and I focused instead on being smooth rather than fast. Way more fun, much more successful and the hands can stay clear of the brakes
So in the end it works but I’ve got a ways to go yet. Best thing though is that I now have a couple of options to recover a corner before I have to grab the brakes – nice.
In summary the two things that made the biggest difference were arse out/weight over outside foot and looking towards the exit. Both produce pretty much the same effect
thanks all. prepare for questions on tire pressure next week….