tymbian from the second photo you posted it looks like you are standing a bit too much upright. Some of that might down you being stationary?
As others have said, try dipping your heels a little that should bring your hips backwards a bit. Bending the knees a little bit and possibly also have your back a bit lower too but that might automatically happen by bending the knees.
As said before you need to be able to react in all directions. It looks like your arms and legs are a little bit too extended so while you will be able absorb bumps you don’t look like you will be able to extend into dips very well. Which it what you ere complaining about in the first place?
Is it just your hands that are hurting or your arms and shoulders too? If just your hands then I’d look at your grips or bar placement. Usually for me anyway if I’ve got too much weight over the front my whole upper body starts to hurt as its not just the hands that are taking the strain.