Home Forums Bike Forum Taking dog on bike ride – yeah or nay?

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  • Taking dog on bike ride – yeah or nay?
  • Bernaard
    Free Member

    Not against and not for.
    Not a dog owner and have only have had two experiences on rides with dogs on the trail
    1st at Haughmond hill where the dog was a PITA weaving on and out stopping, causing crashes etc
    And the folk that bought it along we’re not in the original group. They were surprise guests of a club rider

    On the flip side, at the weekend my mate took his around Woburn with us
    It knew the trails and where to go always running at the side of you about 2m to the side in the undergrowth
    It was a pleasure and after about an hour the dog went home and we continued

    Personally I don’t agree with dogs on trails at trail centres, but elsewhere live and let live

    Full Member

    It depends on the dog and how it behaves. If it follows along at pace then no problems, if it gets in the way, think again. It’s all about consideration for others.

    If you are unsure – go out of an evening or weekday and get the dog following on before you start finding a busy spots and times.

    Free Member

    in parks where children are supervised by adults

    kids have to be supervised in parks by adults? I must have missed that

    still fudging the issues around the prevelance of the disease due to dogs being toileted in public parks makes it alright then

    Free Member

    The most common Toxocara parasite of concern to humans is T. canis, which puppies usually contract from the mother before birth or from her milk. The larvae mature rapidly in the puppy’s intestine; when the pup is 3 or 4 weeks old, they begin to produce large numbers of eggs that contaminate the environment through the animal’s feces.


    Nothing like a nice bit of ‘whattaboutery’ though.

    Free Member

    Nothing like a nice bit of ‘whattaboutery’ though.

    I wasn’t debating that dogs carry the parasite, just that they aren’t the only carrier. The risk is still very low to a child playing in a park.

    More people lose their vision every year from pencil related injuries, but you see plenty of irresponsible parents leaving pencils lying around.

    Nothing like a bit of ‘scaremungery’ though 😉

    Free Member

    I wasn’t debating that dogs carry the parasite, just that they aren’t the only carrier.

    No-one ever claimed they were the only carrier though did they. Classic straw man/whattaboutery, as is your stuff about pencils.

    Free Member

    Irresponsible but it is the latest bike accessory. If you want to do it then do it somewhere that isn’t dedicated to cycling.

    Full Member


    Why? i saw no-one else out at all last night. I got a ride, he got a run.

    I could have just taken him for a shit in the park…

    Free Member

    I’ve never heard a dog owner admit that their dog:

    Worries sheep
    Shits on paths and it doesn’t get cleared up
    Attacks people
    Runs at/in front of people on bikes
    Is not under their control (or often anywhere near them)

    No to sheep. Although you might want to ask the sheep.

    No they don’t go on the path unless there is a problem. A month or so ago one of my dogs did have a problem and I went back up the road with a bucket of hot soapy water and a brush and cleaned the pavement.


    Yes the young one is a nightmare when I ride and tries to bite the front tyre, having successfully destroyed one UST, I ‘ve very wary with my RR, but have developed an successful counter defence to his exuberance. The old one has retired from the cycling club but was very good and had far better endurance.

    Under control, yes…… deaf sometimes yes. Will they go off on their own. No. Will they go up to people. Yes if curious but you can prejudge this.

    I don’t like the local park or common as there are numerous issues. Rubbish being one, the other being human crap, which dogs seems to have a sixth sense for. So I don’t allow my dogs to get out of sight.

    Free Member

    Where jambo?

    Free Member

    Stick a Pamper on it and train it to stay on your wheel, when it learns to draft you can go a bit faster.

    I find many dog owners in my local woods to be particularly inconsiderate, but then others are respectful. You can’t keep tabs on what it does away from you and many owners are blind to their dogs aggressive behaviour. Equally some owners train their dogs well and they are lovely.

    Dog eggs on the trail and having to stop mid flow due to someone’s pet are unforgivable in a centre. Equally someone hitting the dog, or hurting themselves from having to stop abruptly is avoidable.

    Take the dog to the park/woods/countryside/hills/etc, take your bike to the trail.

    Full Member

    Local woods/moors. Mix of open moorland, woodsy singletrack and a sustrans cyclepath.

    we even saw some little lambs and he didnt rip their throats out. I was so proud.

    Free Member

    Some people really need to wake up and stop living in their bubble – on both sides of the fence. As I have said before dog walkers who don’t pick up after their dogs are a bigger menace to responsible dog owners more than anyone else as we walk those routes more and some dogs like to roll in it. I also have a problem with people who drop litter, cigarettes, chewing gum, syringes, condoms. That is why I moved out of the city – to get away from humans who are the most disgusting species by a long way. Out of all the times you have been ill in your life how much can you put down to animals and how much to other peoples poor hygiene or coughing etc?

    Free Member

    I love the idea of riding with my two retrievers but before I go out I ask myself a few simple questions. Will I be able to ensure (in no particular order)|

    1. Their safety
    2. Other dogs safety
    3. Other animals safety
    4. Other people’s safety (man eating flatcoats!)
    5. My safety

    The answer then comes pretty obvious, albeit not the one that I would like! Walk the dogs, ride the bikes! Just not at the same time IMO.

    Free Member

    The ground nesting birds thing is questionable. If an area is open to bikes on trails then taking a dog along too is no problem – but (and it’s a big but) only if the dog sticks to paths and doesn’t go wandering.

    I think that going to trail centres at quiet times every so often is ok, I wouldn’t take him regularly or on a busy weekend. Everything else is fair game.

    My lab started at 1 year old but for no more than an hour with lots and lots of breaks to let him rest.

    Free Member

    Nay bloody things are irritating. Take it for a walk.

    Free Member

    we even saw some little lambs and he didnt rip their throats out. I was so proud.

    So you had your dog off the lead in a field with sheep? During lambing season? No I can’t see how that’s irresponsible at all.

    Out of all the times you have been ill in your life how much can you put down to animals and how much to other peoples poor hygiene or coughing etc?

    TBH getting ill isn’t my primary concern. I have no problem with well behaved dogs and responsible owners. Unfortunately there’s far too many that aren’t responsible at all (many of whom kid themselves that they are, it would appear).

    Free Member

    I’ve never heard a dog owner admit that their dog:

    Worries sheep – I have, and they keep their dog away from sheep and MY sheep why they come to visit
    Shits on paths and it doesn’t get cleared up I have and I told them it’s disgusting
    Attacks people – I have and I told them to sort it out, one way or another
    Runs at/in front of people on bikes Seen it plenty and they grab their dogs to try and keep control and you can see why the dog is the way it is. Also seen lots of people run out in front of people on bikes or in front of cars or other people walking etc or riders dump their bikes in the middle of the f’ing trail on a trail centre to fix a puncture
    Is not under their control (or often anywhere near them) and yet again, had lots of people struggling to control dogs and asking for help and found lots of dogs wandering round

    And yet……and yet the biggest menace to everyone and everything is not dogs, it is humans. Humans doing stupid/inconsiderate things, dropping litter, not cleaning up after dog, killing people on purpose or by accident, causing pollution with just about everything they do….etc etc etc etc

    Free Member

    I’ve never heard a dog owner admit that their dog:
    Worries sheep
    Shits on paths and it doesn’t get cleared up
    Attacks people
    Runs at/in front of people on bikes
    Is not under their control (or often anywhere near them)

    1) Yes, happened a couple of times when she was young. But never to the point of endangering them (or any unborn lambs).
    2) Again yes if it’s dark and I can’t find the poo / i don’t see it happen. EDIT for the idiots: This is a probably has happened, not a happens regularly.
    3) Never happened
    4) No, she is very bike aware. Her default position is drafting the back wheel.
    5) She is often no where near me if I deem it to be appropriate.

    And for the record i’ve taken the dog round Cwm Carn, Afan, Brechfa, Llandegla, CyB, Penmachno, Quantocks, Exmoor and only ever had positive comments from other riders.

    Free Member

    And yet……and yet the biggest menace to everyone and everything is not dogs, it is humans. Humans doing stupid/inconsiderate things, dropping litter, not cleaning up after dog, killing people on purpose or by accident, causing pollution with just about everything they do….etc etc etc etc

    That’s just more whataboutery (taken to extreme levels) – if you’re up in court for murder try saying ‘yeah but what about genocide in Rwanda’ as a defence and see where it gets you.

    ‘My inconsiderate behaviour with my dog isn’t a problem when you compare it to people killing each other’ is a ridiculous argument.

    phil.w – well I guess at least you can admit the anti-social nature of your dog ownership. Shame you don’t seem too bothered though. If you say she is often nowhere near you then she probably often shits on the trail and you don’t clear it up. Nice.

    Maybe you shouldn’t take her out in the dark if you aren’t going to be able to clear up her shit.

    Free Member

    jam bo – Member
    Local woods/moors. Mix of open moorland, woodsy singletrack and a sustrans cyclepath.

    we even saw some little lambs and he didnt rip their throats out. I was so proud.

    That’s not a trail centre then so why try to argue?

    Full Member

    Riding around a trail centre with a dog: NO

    Riding around local trails with a dog: YES provided dog is under control when necessary as if would you were walking it.

    Riding around around estates and busy roads: NO absolutely ‘kin not. One thing I hate is kids and adults riding along pavements with their dogs pulling in all directions.

    FTR, I wouldn’t take our Springer on a trail ride due to the distance covered. I have done lots of XC running with him though.

    Free Member

    well I guess at least you can admit the anti-social nature of your dog ownership. Shame you don’t seem too bothered though. If you say she is often nowhere near you then she probably often shits on the trail and you don’t clear it up. Nice.

    Thats quite a jump from what I said.

    I answered the questions honestly and accurately. Something that has happened once or twice doesn’t make for anti social behaviour. So no I’m not bothered to try and appease you judgmental attitude.

    Yes, I admitted she has probably taken a shit on a trail at some point over the last 4 years, not that it happens regularly.

    She is often not near me as most of the time we are in the middle of fields, farmers fields, where she can shit where ever she likes.

    Free Member

    She is often not near me as most of the time we are in the middle of fields, farmers fields, where she can shit where ever she likes.

    Wow. Unbelievable.

    Have the farmers told you they’re ok with that then?

    Free Member

    Why? i saw no-one else out at all last night. I got a ride, he got a run.

    I could have just taken him for a shit in the park…

    After 3 everyone, 2 wrongs don’t make a “…..”

    Free Member

    Wow. Unbelievable.

    Have the farmers told you they’re ok with that then?

    What an odd comment when you know nothing about the situation. You seem to be jumping to many a conclusion just to suit your own argument/prejudices.

    Specifically have I been told “your dog can shit in the field”? No. But it’s more than inferred since she’s often with the farm dogs and that’s exactly what they do.

    Would you like to visit the farms in question with me? If you ask nicely I’ll even get one of the dogs to round up a couple of sheep for you. (and shit on command at your chosen location)

    Free Member

    Wow. Unbelievable.
    Have the farmers told you they’re ok with that then?

    Are they the same farmers who are spreading chemically washed Human shit all over their fields????
    Check out the Welsh stance on “nutrient enrichment” from doggie poo 🙂 actively encouraged from what i read.

    Free Member

    It’s not about me having priority over you, it’s about having a dog that’s not under your control running around on trails built for biking (and do you think you are picking up all of it’s turds?) – it’s just irresponsible.

    Typical of the sense of entitlement of many dog owners though.

    This, I think dogs are ace and miss my black lab mucho but just cos you love your dog and trust it doesn’t mean everyone else does.

    Free Member

    Typical of the sense of entitlement of many dog owners though most people, most of the time.

    Free Member

    It’s not about me having priority over you, it’s about having a dog that’s not under your control running around on trails built for biking (and do you think you are picking up all of it’s turds?) – it’s just irresponsible.
    Typical of the sense of entitlement of many dog owners though.

    It goes back to experience for me, most of the problems on trails have been with other people not dogs, the only dog problems I have had were dog walkers in the forest with roaming dogs running onto the trails. Most people who take dogs out at trail centres have dogs who can handle it. Shame the exceptions stand out….

    If the question was about coming round a corner and wiping out little Johnny who’s dad though he was ready to ride red trails but he was just wobbling round it would be all the bikers fault for going too fast round corners.

    Free Member

    I’ve never heard a dog owner admit that their dog:

    Worries sheep: he has hearded sheep of his own accord on occasion yes
    Shits on paths and it doesn’t get cleared up NO! he likes do do that in long grass or bushes at the side god knows why as it a PITA to clean up and YES i Do!
    Attacks people
    has never attacked anyone that didnt deserve it, i.e the theiving TW*T trying to steal my bikes, and never will
    Runs at/in front of people on bikes [/b]never really did in the fisrt place but after i ran him over one day he now steers well clear of oncoming bikes[/b]
    Is not under their control (or often anywhere near them)[/b] No he’s never under my control really, and does chose when to listen but he’s never out of eyesight, and always comes when needed

    And yet……

    Same can be said of parents etc. most are responsible, some are not. That goes for people too. I’ve had more issues on trails form inconsiderate areswipes on bikes than I ever have from dogs.

    +1 there are far more inconsiderate and down right rude idiots on bikes who dont GAF about anyone else but themselves out there than any person on a bike with their dog

    and to people saying its a fashion these days to be seen with dog,,, I have been MTB’ing with my dogs since the 90’s

    Full Member

    I forgot that I did a cheesy little edit with Ashka last year. She was pretty young so took fairly easily. Not much in the way of wondering into the woods eating sheep:

    Full Member

    Anyone up for a doggy forum ride Monday at Thetford? Early start mind as mine is still not bike friendly he has a habit of getting in the way still.

    (Before you all start its tongue in cheek, unless anyone wants to get going at 6am from the Brandon side so I’m clear before the rush).

    Full Member

    I agree with the majority. Dogs should be banned from trail centres. Blanket ban, not just at busy times. Cleaning dog mess off my bike is as vile on a Monday morning as it is on a Sunday afternoon.

    Full Member

    My Cocker comes to Swinley occasionally with the kids of an evening. Managed a 48 min Blue route. Kids ride first, then dog, then me, thus not holding people up for their Strava runs. And yes I pick up and bag the crap and put it in my rucksack to dispose of later. Had a nice comment about this last time he came.

    His lines are dreadful though 🙄

    Free Member

    Not fun coming round a corner at a trail centre to find a dog in the middle of the track. Personally, although I grew up with dogs around & my parents still have dogs, trail centre’s are not the place for them. Trail centre’s are one way, bike only routes, that allow riders a little more freedom than your standard bridleway where you have to always consider oncoming walkers etc. (although I have had a run in at a trail centre with walkers coming up the track…they complained we were going too fast, we politely pointed out the “no walkers” sign a few yards behind them, yet they continued up the track!)

    Full Member

    Was it the off the lead and out of control spaniel that decided to sit in the middle of the second last double at Swinley last Sunday? The one that forced me and the person behind to come to a complete stop and came very close to causing an accident? That one was in front of its owner.

    Free Member

    Rode swinley yesterday, and on my strava run (flame away) on the fastest bit of the blue came round a blindish right handler into a left berm/climb and almost straight into a riders dog which surprised by the sudden sound of skidding decided stop and run right across in front of me, and then do the bark / pretend to bite your ankle thing.

    Starting to piss me off. Dogs should not be at trail centres, especially where like swinley they have been built to encourage people to push it.

    As for the dog crap argument, yes it’s annoying but I am far more concerned about hitting a dog or it biting me….

    Free Member

    timidwheeler – Member

    I agree with the majority. usual suspects who are making the same old anti-dog arguments against the same old pro-dog arguments from the other usual suspects


    Free Member

    on the fastest bit of the blue came round a blindish right handler into a left berm/climb and almost straight into a riders dog small child out for his first ride

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