kery – Quote from the News page on the website : Don’t like bikes. Don’t like bikers. He forced me to come and never had a better time. Just sort out the weather.
I guess she was of a similar view to your wife. If you google for the event there are a few threads around with people who came with kids and loved it. The Heart Radio website has some good pictures of what fun it is with events for both of your kids to take part in.
Remind her that with you competing, her spectating and the two kids you will get 2-3 day holiday for £50.02p. The whole event started because my wife hates bike events because she is bored and left holding everything. The BBB is the antidote to that.
Lots of stuff for non-bikers too. If camping is a major issue there may still be rooms in the big house available. You will need to contact Avon Tyrrell directly for those. they are cheap and think Youth hostel not hotel. But they are clean and indoors.
Pete – Torq are there. From the sponsors page :
TORQ have decided to support BBB for a second year because quite frankly we think the whole event is a great idea. Where else do you get to invent and sponsor your own race format? The idea behind the TORQ Extreme XC Spectacular is that the race is relatively short in XC terms (only 30 minutes), but it’s much longer than your standard short-track event. By keeping the racing loop short and tight, looping back into the arena regularly per lap, this will make the event exciting for both rider and spectator. How many times have you ridden out of the arena, had a fab lap, but never been properly heckled and cheered by the crowd, even if you’ve been having a real tear-up with another competitor for the entire lap? Now’s your chance to revel in the spotlight and for the spectators to be properly engaged in your race. We might even put the odd ‘interesting’ obstacle on course to stimulate a bit of ‘Oooooooh’ and ‘Ahhhhhhhh’.