Home Forums Bike Forum Taking a 2 year old to the Supercross

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  • Taking a 2 year old to the Supercross
  • Netdonkey
    Full Member

    I am in the joyous position at the moment of owning a bike mad 2 year old. My evenings are filled with balance bikes, Danny Macaskill clips and STW mags as bed time stories. Happy days.. I was thinking of taking him to watch the UCI super-cross in London in August which is an Olympic test event. Has anyone had experience of taking a pip to such events. I have to confess to never really showing an interest but the opportunity for him to see this sort of stuff in quite an enclosed space, not to far from home is tempting!

    Free Member

    Never been but raced motorcross most of my life, It will be well noisey inside and I guess the fumes could be a problem….. take him nothing like dad, son bonding time 😀

    Full Member

    Sorry should of mentioned it is BMX supercross


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