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  • Take the points and fine or the driver awareness course?
  • jekkyl
    Full Member

    To all the people having a go at the Op:

    So when they continued asking him , he
    lifted himself up and said unto them, He
    that is without sin among you, let him be
    the first to cast a stone at her. So when
    they continued asking him , he lifted up
    himself, and said unto them, He that is
    without sin among you, let him first cast a
    stone at her.

    Free Member

    It’s always been possible to get done for 31.

    True, but no-one ever has.
    Nor 32.

    Anyhoos, the ACPO no longer exists, and there was never a leeway of 10%+2 in their guidelines, that was the point where the absolute minimum action was to prosecute.

    Free Member

    When I last checked 3pts made £0 difference to mine.

    That’s the unknown bit i mentioned. Plenty of insurers will be interested.

    Free Member

    Well put jekkyl which is why we use laws not fairy tales to regulate society. The OP thinks that he was fine speeding because of a get away with it margin, for that especially going for some more education seems like a sensible thing to do.

    Free Member

    14 days iirc.

    To the registered keeper, so if it’s a company car it could take a lot longer to get to you.

    Free Member

    The 4 hours is real, the 3 years is theoretical if you’re lucky like me 😉

    Full Member

    Don’t be so righteous Mike. You’ve never sped? It matters not that it’s a fairy tale, the point is relevant.

    Free Member

    +1 for doing the course – you’ll learn lots.
    I’d like to see it made compulsory for all drivers every 2 years… it’s a great reminder of your responsibilities and just basic awareness of how to drive properly

    Free Member

    cinnamon_girl >>
    When the opportunity arose I educated them about cycling and safe overtaking.

    And kidded yourself anyone actually listened/learned??

    Free Member

    I have, been caught taken the punishment and education. Never really hidden behind the I’m allowed to do 34 without being prosecuted. It’s the really dangerous bit where people think like that.

    Free Member

    Don’t be so righteous Mike. You’ve never sped?

    If he drives 30 in a 30 I’ve never seen him round these parts!

    An old lolly-pop man was killed down the main road past my house (by a “young female driver”). They’ve put up new bright signs “This is a 30 limit” and still people fly down it at 40-50. Sometimes I put my cruise on at 30ish and people get so close behind you’d think they want to ram me off the road.

    Full Member

    I’d take the course but I have a high tolerance of bellends and bullshit. It seems like the sort of thing that could break a man, if he lacked such tolerance.

    boblo – Member

    Really ~66mph GPS says. No excuse but I was massively distracted by some screaming and shouting in the car….

    Distracted AND speeding eh?

    Free Member

    Good luck finding an insurer who’s not interested in SP30s

    Already have thanks. No increase in premium when I reported to them. I have also seen reports where insurance companies ask about awareness courses and premiums increasing as a result.

    I suppose each case is different depending on the insurer and person covered.

    Full Member

    And kidded yourself anyone actually listened/learned??

    Dezzie – c’mon, an old cynic like me??? I provided the entertainment for a bit!

    Free Member

    It seems like the sort of thing that could break a man, if he lacked such tolerance.

    Hi! 🙂

    Full Member

    Yeah cruise control set to 30 in a 30 zone is always good fun. It’s amazing how many people you get behind you 😈

    Free Member

    Already have thanks

    Congratulations. Who would this be?

    Full Member

    I did the course a few weeks ago. Wasn’t expecting much but I found it informative and came away with a lot.

    One thing they did say is that cameras don’t discriminate. If you are doing over the speed limit you are speeding. If you get pulled over for speeding by a police officer he or she can use discretion. The cameras wont do that.

    I learned a lot about stuff I had forgotten, ate a fair few biscuits and was entertained by a few of the other attendees who really could not see what they had done wrong. Plus its only 4 hours so you could do it as a half day from work.

    Free Member

    I’ve seen various comments about the quality of courses. Do they provide for feedback at the end?

    Full Member

    Do the course. I got one on a Saturday morning. You’ll lose the will to live, but hey… better than points, which as we all know, despite Brucies protestations… don’t make prizes

    When Iturne up, I sat down, the bloke next to me looked a bit mystified. The bloke running the course said ‘he’s Polish and doesn’t speak any English, the translator’s not turned up, could you help him out a bit?”

    I pointed out my Polish wasn’t the best, either. The poor sod sat there for hours, mystified as to what everyone was going on about

    Free Member

    Good luck finding an insurer who’s not interested in SP30s

    I’ve never found one that IS bothered by an SP30. Never made the slightest difference at all.

    Full Member

    Did you actually post up on pepiooo?
    There’s lots of tales of people who claim they were doing 32/33 and got a fine yet no ones ever seen an actual ticket. I’m sure they’d like a look at it if nothing else.

    Free Member

    rocketman – Member

    Already have thanks

    Congratulations. Who would this be? [/quote]

    Direct Line – Do you need my policy number?

    Free Member

    I had one rage quit. Lots of confused old ladies, conforming-to-stereotype BMW driving rep.

    On the one I did you could pretty much divide the audience into two groups; one lot who knew they were speeding and were just pi55ed that they got caught and the other lot who didn’t actually know what the speed limit was.

    And this was confirmed by the multiple-choice electronic voting…

    Free Member

    Do the course. Meeting some of the genuine headcases that are driving around really does wonders for your attitude to driving. One boy racer at mine, most of the rest were arseholes who deemed speed limits to be an inconvenience.

    Full Member

    OP – it sounds like you’ve spent more time arguing the toss about this on the internet than you’ll spend doing the course. Just do the course.

    Free Member

    I have been informed and its now a case of 1 mph over and there is no leeway by them, Even though this isn’t public knowledge yet and many widely consider it the law I’m told its coming country wide no tolerance . So the speed camera on Oughtibridge caught me there is no wiggle room.

    There is something on the Internet about this and i read it once but cant be bothered to find it again.

    Speeding is an absolute offence, meaning that you are libable for prosecution if caught 1mph above the speed lLimit. It is at the discretion of the Police whether or not you will be prosecuted for doing 1mph in excess of the speed limit. The issue is of tolerance of the measuring equipment which is why 10% is usually the ‘rule’

    So yes you can be done if you travel 1mph in excess of the speed Limit.

    a quick Google Comes up with this http://www.pepipoo.com/Basics.htm

    Full Member

    Someone on the internet, making a claim about something, without offering a shred of evidence ? Must be a new phenomenon. I’ve never come across it before.


    Free Member

    Direct Line – Do you need my policy number?

    it must be a special policy because they were definitely loading SP30 convictions just two months ago

    Free Member

    It does seem odd that the premium should remain the same despite proving you are a greater risk. Kind of implies they were overcharging before. When I had my points in my reckless younger days it was definitely more. It was also a pain to get insurance as it was harder to get an online quote.

    Full Member

    The issue is of tolerance of the measuring equipment which is why 10% is usually the ‘rule’

    It’s really not, modern measuring equipment is very accurate. They don’t generally prosecute for +1mph because if they did the system would disintegrate. They can’t process that many people.

    No excuse but I was massively distracted by some screaming and shouting in the car….

    “Driving without due care and attention” then.

    I’d do the course. If you’re a rubbish driver you’ll learn a lot, if you’re not you’ll be bored to tears and amazed and the incompetence of everyone else in the room. Either way, it’s preferable to having three points on your licence for years.

    Free Member

    rocketman – Member

    Direct Line – Do you need my policy number?

    it must be a special policy because they were definitely loading SP30 convictions just two months ago [/quote]

    Aye, ok. Look it up if you must, I take it you work for them being such an expert and all?

    Policy Number: 101/8008135

    Free Member

    Have elected to take the points and £100.

    Free Member

    Yes, definitely ‘without due care and attention’. My wife decided her view of driving was more relevant than the drivers and made so much noise about it I couldn’t think straight. Really. No excuse though. I drive almost everywhere on cruise these days to absolutely avoid speeding and was very disappointed.

    Full Member

    On the one I did you could pretty much divide the audience into two groups; one lot who knew they were speeding and were just pi55ed that they got caught and the other lot who didn’t actually know what the speed limit was.

    That, plus various posters admitting they learned aspects of the Highway Code on the course is just further confirmation to me that all drivers should have mandatory re-tests every 5 years or so.

    It would make a massive difference to the quality of driving on the roads.

    Free Member

    It does seem odd that the premium should remain the same despite proving you are a greater risk. Kind of implies they were overcharging before. When I had my points in my reckless younger days it was definitely more. It was also a pain to get insurance as it was harder to get an online quote.

    In years gone by it was an easy way of looking at risk but now I’d have thought they had more sophisticated measures as IMO it isn’t speed that causes accidents, but inappropriate speed.

    Free Member

    You’re suggesting that being caught doing an offence which everybody does proves you are a greater risk? Like PP and rene, my insurance company didn’t take that view (LV FWIW, though I think the first time I got caught I was still with Direct Line).

    Free Member

    You’re suggesting that being caught doing an offence which everybody does proves you are a greater risk

    Absolutely. Two reasons, not everybody does it so you have shown you are in the category of those that do speed and you got caught which shows a lack of awareness. Not a massive increase in risk but some. Not putting your premium up for your current policy is not the same as it not increasing your premiums for the period of the points.

    Full Member

    Regardless of whether or not you’re a greater risk,

    An insurance company now has a reason to put up your premiums without impacting their competitiveness (as they all have the same reason). Why wouldn’t they take more money off you?

    Free Member

    As I’m sat here waiting for the wife I just put some numbers into money supermarket. Adding an SP30 added between £17 and £22 to the policy YMMV. Not much but some

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