Caught red handed recentley well 28 days ago 33 in a 30 , yes I know its naughty and there are no excuses.
Despite my protestations of innocence 10%+2 mph Guv. It would appear this is no longer the case rather quietly SYP have brought in a zero tolerance policy.
The ACPO guidelines are moot despite my best attempts at finding a way out via Pepi Poo.
I have been informed and its now a case of 1 mph over and there is no leeway by them, Even though this isn’t public knowledge yet and many widely consider it the law I’m told its coming country wide no tolerance . So the speed camera on Oughtibridge caught me there is no wiggle room.
Which is the better?
option 1. £85 costs for 2 to 5 hours in a classroom full of other hardened crims!!
option 2. Pay the £100 and take the points?