I don’t have a wax issue, but i used to get recurring very painful earaches in the winter when i was run down – something like Otitis Externa. Bloody painful.
When i moved to the sub-tropics it got way worse in the humid summer. I was referred to an ENT specialist who basically said most of his patients come to him because they’ve put something in their ears they shouldn’t!
He actually advised against the prescription eardrops and gave me a recipe and a prescription for boric acid from a compounding pharmacy.
18 years later and at the slightest hint of an earache i use this and it clears up within a day:
“70ml methylated spirits
30ml de-ionised water
1 heaped teaspoon of boric acid
2-3 drops each ear.
You may feel heat in the ear, but they should not sting. If they sting, see a doctor.”