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  • Super-fine ball inflation needles
  • coffeeking
    Free Member

    No, not some fetish thing, I'm looking for a needle for pressurising sports balls etc that has a very narrow needle. If anyone has either a normal one or a narrow one, can they measure it for me?

    Free Member

    from memory (I used it about three days ago) mine is about 1.5-2.0mm in diameter.

    Free Member

    Hmm I'd like to find one that was 1 or 1.5max if possible. Are there any stores that have a selection on the high street, or am I reduced to hit and hope on the internet? Or are they all the same size do you know? (never done any ball sport, so I have no knowledge, sorry!)

    Free Member

    I bought some from two different sources (Decathlon in France) and Halfords I think.

    Both are the same diamater as above. I think it's pretty standard, but you may find some special ones?

    Whats it for? Injecting air bubbles into somebody? 🙂

    Free Member

    Re-charging my rear shocks damping circuit 🙂 Official tool is £30, but it appears to be a ball inflation tool.

    Free Member

    I have access to blunt syringe needles (about 19G = 1.067mm – I believe) – certainly have 19G normal sharp needles

    If you PM me (email in profile) I will stick a couple in the post for you if you dont have any luck with the stff in shops

    Free Member

    Cheers doc, might take you up on that, but it depends what the base/attachment is like – I'm going to need to attach it to a shock pump at 200psi, but maybe if the standard needle is too fat I could snip off one of your needles and braze it into the tip of the standard needle – ooooh this is a fun challenge!

    Free Member

    base attacnemt is standard plastic leur fitting – bit like this http://www.octoink.co.uk/product_images/s/needle__32196_thumb.jpg

    I have used them to inflate rugby balls – attached to a bike pump (one of the ones which clips onto the valves) – wouldnt like to guess what they are like at 200psi though

    we might have some metal leur ones in the store at owrk – I will try to remember to have a dig and see – in the mean time, you are welcome to a handful, if you want to play

    Free Member

    If you could that'd be a grand help, I reckon I may be able to bond one into an old schraeder valve with some success, though I'll be using eye protection during the pressurisation process – I can see some safety concerns arising here – glad there's no H&S at home yet!

    You dont appear to have your email in your profile, but I'm fairly sure mine is so pop me an email and I'll organise some cash to cover postage and time, cheers!

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