Right. I’m offended!
It really is not hard to be a pleasant and respectful human being, even whilst making a point, having a humorous dig or refuting a point of view. A modicum of dignity and self respect helps. In the pub or on here – zero difference in my eyes.
Correct. But just as with the pub, if someone says something I don’t like on here, I generally ignore it. I don’t go on some self-righteous holier-than-thou crusade to stop people saying things in the fear that somewhere, someone might be slightly upset or offended.
IIRC, general advice as a child was to ignore idiots and they’ll go away. That seems particularly pertinent advice when dealing with internet trolls. Personally I’ve got much bigger things to worry about than whether or not someone somewhere might be slightly offended by something I’ve said or heard.
And as for whether people like being insulted or not, well that comes back to it. You can choose to get all worked up about it, citing cases of psychological damage reported in the red tops, or you can choose to ignore it. The people I know who ignore these slight niggles in life seem much happier and more well rounded individuals than the few who take life far far too seriously, be it on the internet or not.