Home Forums Chat Forum STW POSITIVITY THREAD!!

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  • ElShalimo
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    I had 2 pointless Zoom meetings cancelled today


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    There’s a Pace RC627, Midnight Smurf, that’s been paid for and on it’s way to me, should be there when I walk in the door after my time away at sea.

    Free Member

    Well after 3 days of heavy work my positivity is we’ve moved in! Also I’m only one part short of new bike day so it’ll be maiden voyage this weekend all being well! And my best mate is coming over to see the house and help with some decorating jobs!

    Full Member

    Excellent, we’re all getting the hang of this now!

    Free Member

    The ride home tonight was just lush – birds singing, daffodils coming out to play, daylight and a smell of spring…. 👌

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    I heard a Chiff-Chaff up the garden, a sign that Spring is on the way. Also.. had left over jam roly-poly with custard for breakfast!!

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    Totally digging birds a lot more these days – don’t know what most of them are, but just hearing them sing lifts my spirit.

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    How can left-over jam roly-poly even happen? 🤔

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    @pondo Chiff-Chaff is quite boring but loud the Colin’s bird guide app is excellent for identifying song and physical appearance, @Squirrel – home made fish pie first – with boiled eggs in of course!

    Full Member

    Ah yes bird watching is such a good hobby. Learning the songs too.
    Been skiing on orange snow today (sand blown in from the Sahara), t’was weird.

    Full Member

    I’ve never heard of orange snow, yellow, but not orange! Sunrise and sunset must be amazing! Every day a school day, have a good time.

    Free Member

    Cracking afternoon ride, nice and mild. Also had a nice stroll about with the OH over lunch exploring some more of our immediate area!

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    Twas indeed a cracking ride home from work today – went cross country no lights needed and dry trails – mincing on the gravel bike all the way home……briefly very breifly felt sorry for those driving.

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    I had a day off from digging footings and trying to work out levels. Went into the summerhouse, started reading and then the rain started hammering on the roof. It felt so relaxing it cleared my mind and I nodded off until teatime!

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    Just under the wire for today – Kevin Bridges in Chezvegas, brilliant, lots of laughs, which is good as he’s a comedian!

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    I have worked in IT for over 25 years and I have worked for a few ar$eholes in my time and in some very toxic environments.

    I started doing two days a week for a big charity and the people I work with are great and the clients are always so pleased to see me and very grateful for my work/effort.

    Its made a huge difference to my overall mood and wellbeing. Less money but more happiness.

    Full Member

    Son#2 and partner have a new dog,this is his first puppy.
    Spoke to him last night and he sounds like a tired new parent,this made me 😊
    Sorry no photos,but she’s a bit like this with short curly hair.
    Son#1 is playing so much Country and Western music around the house that I feel all those years of making him listen to Punk and Indie tunes may have been wasted. On the plus side I now find myself thinking more and more about getting a dog and a pickup truck with a gun rack 🤣🤣🙃

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    Cute pup!

    It’s sunny, it’s Friday and we’re visiting the in-laws this weekend for the first time in 2 years

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    Forecast is looking good. Our bikes are off to the caravan for summer (spare bikes).

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    Bought all the Techies Steak Bridies on rolls and lots of cake.
    They were in an excellent Friday mood so the banter was top class 👍🤣

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    I’m sat in the garden wearing shorts and a T-shirt whilst reading my Uni work. Bumble bees are busy in the flowers around me, cats purring happily. Beers chilling in the fridge.

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    I will spend this afternoon checking over the “summer” road bike ahead of its first ride of the year tomorrow.

    Full Member

    I will spend this afternoon checking over the “summer” road bike ahead of its first ride of the year tomorrow.

    Mine is still in the attic,but it is a great and wonderful feeling,to know that (at the end of the month) all I have to do is pump up the tyres and it’s ready to go. Thanks for reminding me 🙂

    Full Member

    Spent the morning moving old hardwood railway sleepers and mahoosive kerbstones in the sunshine with my (only) mate. Talked nonsense and laughed at nonsense and felt better. An escape from a rubbish world. One positive thing a day can get you through.

    Full Member

    A bit of dark humour- had to pick my Dad off the kitchen floor this morning, all good. Then went to see him again at 12.30. He needed the toilet so I helped him to the stairlift got him sorted and he agreed to shout when ready to come down. Bit later, heard a big bang and he’d fallen and ended up with his back to the door. After a bit of thinking and dredging stuff from my former job I managed to cut through the door in a way the falls team from Chesterfield Borough Council could get access (I’m capable but the restricted access needed two people). He had a cup of tea and a biscuit whilst we waited eventually we got him downstairs.
    The positive bit – he enjoyed me using the hoover to get the sawdust off his clothes and particularly, out of his hair, had quite a giggle!

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    And that’s why your chain should always be sharp :0)

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    @Houns I did consider my chainsaw, big angle grinder, little angle grinder, dremel small saw thingy but went for my over 20 year old Wickes reciprocating saw. Used it in a plunge mode, long blade and short blade – after a preliminary hole so I could check what was happening inside, 1950’s panel doors aren’t that different from current doors, flimsy but complicated when someone is leaning against it! Luckily had an assistant- my wife.

    Full Member

    I was just going to post my positive experience of the day – I’ve not had to lift my Dad off the floor today – when I got the phone call. Back now.
    Positive experience of the day, donated a kneeling aid thing for gardening to a neighbour of my Dad. She was reet chuffed!

    Full Member

    Just been for a short walk in the mountains and forests of the Tarentaise Valley. Saw and heard many birds. Lots of droppings from various creatures and foot prints in the snow.
    Very uplifting.

    Full Member

    @Bunnyhop that sounds nice, I’ve no idea where that is though. I’ve got nothing positive today, hopefully tomorrow.

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    Nor me directly, but just seen a homeless guy sat outside the entrance to a large supermarket.

    A couple of Police officers were checking he was OK and when he’d last spoken to one of the support charities, a lady came out the supermarket and gave him a drink and a sandwich, and another guy stopped to ask if the Police were hassling him and trying to move him on. Everyone had a friendly chat and a laugh and parted on good terms.

    Full Member

    That’ll do me, cheers mate!


    Free Member

    I got into open water swimming last year. Yeah I know, so did pretty much half the country, and yes, I did buy one of those robe things too before you ask.

    Anyway, it doesn’t do much for my physical health as I doubt I swim more than a couple of hundred yards, but for delivering a mental boost I’ve never known anything like it. Swam yesterday at the Pittenweem tidal pool and came out buzzing. It’s very much my new “thing”.

    I also checked if it was “swam” or “swum” as I got quite into pedantry as a new hobby during lockdown.

    Free Member


    Nice, I remember the first ride after a big bang a long time ago. It was great!

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    Me and the dog got to the top of the mountain after work.

    Full Member

    Ahh, the joy of dogs! In the short periods I’ve been at home today in between Dad care they’ve welcomed me back every time with waggy tails, just happy to be in my company or to be able to see me.

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    A beautiful Brimstone butterfly fluttered across the garden today…

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    A beautiful Brimstone butterfly fluttered across the garden today

    Saw a few of those while I was out riding yesterday, had to Google to identify what they were.

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    Someone has placed a bench in the woods on a route I’ve not ridden in a while, which was very handy as it was right around lunchtime when I arrived there today. Beats sitting on the ground these days for mid ride snackage.

    I also saw a skylark doing it’s crazy high up singing thing on the same ride. I’m quite impressed I was able to identify it!

    Free Member

    A pair of robins have nested in an empty plant pot in our back garden. It’s great to watch them come and go (although there’s less of that at the moment, I guess they’re sitting on the eggs).

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